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5 Reasons Why You Might Be Hesitant About Parenting

Women facing an unexpected pregnancy typically have three choices: abortion, adoption, or parenting. As you might have noticed, making a decision like this can be deeply personal. Perhaps you’re thinking about parenting as an option. But you have some concerns. It’s normal to have conflicted feelings about which decision is best for you. This means careful reflection may be required before committing to one of your options. The process of making a pregnancy decision can be confusing when done alone. Is there someplace you can go for guidance as you try to determine if parenting is right for you?

It’s not uncommon to have questions about how to make an unexpected pregnancy decision that aligns with your needs. The caring staff at Avenue Women’s Center will provide the services and support you need. Researching your potential choices can seem stressful. That’s why we’re here to help. We provide reliable information to help you feel comfortable about choosing one of your pregnancy options. We’ll work with you by offering support every step of the way.

Contact us today to speak with one of our expert pregnancy consultants!  

I’m Not Ready to Be a Parent

Learning that you’re pregnant might have caught you by surprise. You may be at a time in your life where you’re unsure if you’re ready for parenthood. Some of your worries may be related to school or work. How will you work these things around your pregnancy?

It can be a good idea to discuss the possibility of available accommodations. If you know what resources are offered, you can work them into your plan. Your school’s administrative staff or your employer can help provide insight into what sort of flexibility is possible with your specific needs.

It’s also recommended you review Title IX so you know your rights. Under these rules, your high school or college cannot penalize you academically for being pregnant. Nor can they revoke any scholarships you may have earned. If you have further questions, you can talk with the school’s administrative office.

Similar standards typically apply to the workforce. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act forbids your employer from firing you or passing on you for a promotion because you’re pregnant. By law, they must provide you with accommodations.

Knowing this information ahead of time can give you a better idea about how pregnancy may fit into your schedule. 

I Can’t Afford to Parent

Parenting often comes with financial responsibilities. You may be at a time in your life where you’re worried about meeting certain expenses. What resources might be able to help you?

Do you have friends or family who can support you? Are there any community programs or government aid options you can seek assistance from? Another concern may be affording the medical check-ups you usually need while you’re pregnant. A healthcare provider or a pregnancy consultant may be able to provide you with low-cost options or referrals for further care. You can also arrange to have a free ultrasound exam at a first-step options clinic to gather more information regarding your pregnancy.   

I’m Facing Many Personal Challenges

Difficult circumstances might have raised fears about being able to parent right now. You may be struggling financially. Perhaps you’re already a parent and you’re worried about raising another child. Maybe you’re recovering from an addiction. Or you’re afraid when it comes to your physical or mental health.

Any of these issues can understandably be overwhelming. Your doubts and fears when it comes to these factors can make it challenging to carefully assess what you want for the pregnancy. Before making a decision about parenting, it’s recommended you talk things over with someone.

A counselor, a spiritual leader, or a pregnancy consultant can meet with you for a confidential conversation. This can help you explore your feelings as you take time to gather information about your options.

My Relationship With My Partner Is Complicated

What role would you want your partner to play? You have time to think about the practical or financial support you may want from him. Parenting is often a huge step forward in a relationship. For some couples, the shared responsibility brings them closer together. But for other couples, one partner may not feel ready to make such a commitment.

This can be emotionally trying. However, you do not have to face an unexpected pregnancy alone. Personal relationships or professional resources can still provide you with invaluable support. 

I’m Unsure About How to Locate a Support System

Parenting can be a rewarding but challenging journey. Knowing you have people at your side to encourage you can be helpful. But what if your loved ones don’t know about the pregnancy?

Communicating with your friends and family might be a step you’re nervous to take. Are there any professional resources that can help mediate the conversation? Telling the people in your life that you’re pregnant can seem scary. But once they know, then there’s usually no more secrecy. That can potentially lift some of the burdens from your shoulders.

What might you need from your loved ones at this time? How can they be there for you emotionally? It’s also a good idea to keep working with professional resources as well. Pregnancy consultants, healthcare providers, or counselors can offer unbiased advice as you process your decision. They can listen to your anxieties in an environment where you feel comfortable sharing your concerns.

Are you unsure if parenting is the right choice for you? Avenue Women’s Center can meet with you for a confidential discussion about your unexpected pregnancy choices. During your appointment, we’ll provide accurate information about all your options. We’ll answer any questions you have and offer clarification about available resources.  

Reach out today to schedule your free consultation appointment!



The information provided here is general in nature.  It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center.  If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention.  Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.