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Society will often tell you that as a man you have no say in a woman’s pregnancy. But the reality is that you play an important role in helping your partner make the best decision about the pregnancy you share. Your partner needs you now more than ever, and your support is important in letting her know she’s not alone during this time. In fact, having someone to support her is one of the best things for a woman who is facing an unexpected pregnancy and trying to figure out what to do.

But just like her, you can also be filled with anxiety and overwhelmed with the thought of an unexpected pregnancy. It’s not unusual to feel afraid and confused, even angry that this happened to you.

We can help

Pregnancy Test Confirmation

Avenue Women’s Center can provide your partner with a free and confidential lab-quality pregnancy test that is over 99.5% accurate just 10 days after possible conception.

Confidential Options Consultations

When you and your partner come to Avenue Women’s Center for your appointment you can speak with our expert staff, who know what you are experiencing. They can answer all your questions and more importantly listen to you, your concerns and how an unexpected pregnancy might affect your plans and dreams. Our staff can also give you the info you need regarding how your partner’s decision will impact you. The consultation appointment can involve both you and your partner together or separately, depending on what you prefer.

Limited Medical Services

Our expert medical staff can help answer any specific questions you may have, like how far along the pregnancy is and the viability (whether or not the pregnancy is likely to continue). Because Avenue Women’s Center provides our limited medical services free of charge, we won’t benefit financially from any choice you make. That allows us to provide you the information that you and your partner need to make the best decision for your future.

Community Referrals

Through our well-established partnerships with agencies and organizations throughout DuPage County and surrounding areas we can connect you with the best opportunities for medical services, financial aid and professional counseling.

Post-Abortion Recovery

An abortion affects everyone who is involved in the decision. That means you as the man can have a negative reaction to your partners abortion. For many men who are struggling with the results of an abortion decision the symptoms are related to PTSD and include things like anxiety, depression, anger, and grief. Symptoms can also include sleeplessness and flashbacks.

If you are dealing with any of these symptoms and would like to talk with someone please call Restore After Abortion at 630-599-0043.  We want to support you. That’s why we offer both one-on-one meetings and group support sessions, whichever is best for you. You can also check out for more info.