Sometimes we choose to be alone, but other times we have no other choice. It can be an isolating and lonely experience to handle a challenging situation by ourselves. We might have doubts about how or if we’re going to get through it alone. You might be feeling this way if you’re on your own and suddenly in an unexpected pregnancy situation. You may be uncertain about your pregnancy options or feel like they are limited. If you’re alone and considering abortion, what are your next steps?
If you’re feeling alone and considering abortion, take your next steps at Avenue Women’s Center. Our free and confidential pregnancy consultations offer accurate and reliable information about your options, including abortion. Each of our six Chicagoland centers provides a private and nonjudgmental environment for women to gain more information and address their unique concerns. You don’t have to face a pregnancy decision on your own. Let Avenue support you with our free pregnancy services. Contact us to set up your appointment!
Feeling Alone vs. Being Alone
Feeling alone and being alone can be very different experiences. Many people feel scared or nervous whenever they are alone. Noises might seem louder and more suspicious, or their thoughts turn into worries. Others enjoy the peace and solace of being on their own. They take moments to relax in the quiet away from the world’s hustle and bustle. Being alone can bring a sense of independence and strength, but also bring loneliness and despair. It all depends on the individual person and their specific circumstances.
Feeling alone in a challenging situation, such as an unexpected pregnancy, can heighten stress, anxiety, depression, and even panic. “Loneliness raises levels of circulating stress hormones and levels of blood pressure,”* potentially straining your mental and physical health. All of this can compromise your ability to clearly think through your pregnancy options of parenting, adoption, or abortion. If you feel alone or you’re physically alone, how can you make a pregnancy decision on your own?
Making a Decision on Your Own
Loneliness can be a difficult emotion to handle when facing an unexpected pregnancy decision. You might be surrounded by friends or family, but feel like you can’t talk to any of them if you’re considering abortion. You could feel lonely in a relationship if your partner is emotionally unavailable. You may be alone in a new location far from home and the physical support of loved ones. Whatever the case, you find yourself alone in your pregnancy and considering an abortion. What steps can you take on your own? Below are some helpful questions to think through as you move forward in your pregnancy decision.
- Is your pregnancy viable, or likely to continue on its own? How can you find out?
- How far along is your pregnancy, and how does this affect your abortion options?
- What are the potential emotional and physical risks associated with each abortion procedure?
- If you had more access to resources and social support systems, how would this affect the options you’re considering?
- Have you learned more information about all of your options of parenting, adoption, or abortion? What details could be helpful to know before you decide?
It can be difficult to find the answers to questions like these, and you might have many more of your own. Address your personalized questions and concerns with a free pregnancy consultation at an Avenue Women’s Center near you. We provide nonjudgmental, accurate, and reliable information about your pregnancy options of parenting, adoption, and abortion. Avenue offers each woman compassionate understanding as they learn more information and take their next steps. You don’t have to face your pregnancy decision alone. We are here to support you! Call, text, chat, or email for your free appointment at any of our six locations in DuPage County!
- Psychology Today. (2003, July). The Dangers of Loneliness. Retrieved from: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/articles/200307/the-dangers-loneliness.
- U.S. News. Sadick, Barbara. (2018, September). The Loneliness Effect. Retrieved from: https://www.usnews.com/news/healthiest-communities/articles/2018-09-06/loneliness-the-next-great-public-health-hazard.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.