Spring represents renewal, and there’s no better time to look for signs of nature’s rejuvenation than March! Have you been savoring the first markers of springtime? Maybe you especially enjoy the warm kiss of sunshine on a spring morning or the sight of tiny green buds emerging from the soil. These moments probably feel like breaths of fresh air after the cold months of winter. But perhaps you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy this season, or the possibility of one. If so, “hopeful” is probably not a word you would use to describe your emotions this March. Hang in there! Hope is not lost.
Spring brings renewal, and renewal often symbolizes hope. But if you’re going through an unexpected pregnancy, you’re probably experiencing stronger feelings of dread right now. You may be feeling torn between these two conflicting emotions. Or, perhaps you have zero expectations for a positive outcome to this pregnancy. Avenue Women’s Center is here for you! We’re a first-step pregnancy center that offers free services to help women move forward with confidence, and we’d love to support you on your unique pregnancy journey.
Learn more about our no-cost, confidential early pregnancy services!
There’s Hope for Every Pregnancy Journey
Are you questioning whether or not you’re pregnant? Maybe you’re seeing signs that could point to pregnancy, but you haven’t taken a pregnancy test yet. Perhaps you’ve gotten confusing results on a few home pregnancy tests. In either of these situations, it’s natural to feel anxious about next steps and potential outcomes. Many women who’ve confirmed a pregnancy and started pursuing a pregnancy option (abortion, adoption, or parenting) have similar concerns. They may also worry about the possibility of facing regret down the road.
To some extent, it’s healthy to take a step back and consider the many possible outcomes that lay before you- both positive and negative. If you’re pregnant, the journey ahead will probably include a mix of bitter moments and sweet ones. That’s good to acknowledge and accept. Just keep in mind that every pregnancy journey has potential for positive outcomes. Focusing on achieving those positive outcomes will help you maintain a healthier mindset, which will likely help you reach a result you feel better about in the long run. Feelings of dread may come. They tend to be especially intense when the stakes are high and the future looks unclear. But you have the autonomy to direct your focus elsewhere, and concentrate on developing your strengths to make the most confident decision possible when the time is right.
Your Circumstances Don’t Have to Remain a Mystery
Dread can be a natural byproduct of uncertainty, and the future is always uncertain. That’s true for all of us, all of the time- whether or not we’re facing an unexpected pregnancy. It’s healthy (and necessary) to accept the fact that the future is unsure. However, what your body is experiencing right now doesn’t have to remain a mystery, and neither do the paths that are available to you.
The best way to move towards a positive outcome is to get clarity by taking a pregnancy test. By confirming your pregnancy, you’ll be able to get more information for your next steps. At Avenue Women’s Center, we’re all about empowering women with knowledge and emotional support. Most individuals feel better equipped to pursue a positive outcome when both of these needs are met. You can answer the first question (“Am I pregnant?”) by taking a free medical-grade pregnancy test at Avenue. If the result is positive, a limited medical ultrasound can tell you how far along you are (which can influence which option(s) you’re eligible for), your chances of miscarriage, and the location of your pregnancy. This information could be key to determining exactly what you’re facing and how to move forward with your health at the forefront.
Navigating an unexpected pregnancy is like following a dimly lit trail with a flashlight in hand. The path probably has twists and turns, as well as roots and rocks that could cause you to stumble. Your destination is probably impossible to see. However, your flashlight will help you perceive what’s in front of you and safely navigate the road one step at a time. Avenue Women’s Center would love to be your flashlight. We’re here to help you understand what’s going on with your pregnancy, while shining a light on your available options and resources.
Reach out to us today! You’ll be met with warmth and compassion by our expert staff members.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.