How can you make a good decision if you’re pregnant and don’t know what to do? Do you go with your gut? Do you talk to your friends, parents, teachers, siblings, or significant other? Do you pray to a higher power? Make a list of pros and cons? Research all possible outcomes?
Making a decision about your unplanned pregnancy may be the most daunting and overwhelming decision you’ve ever faced. You are not alone. At Avenue Women’s Center, you will meet compassionate, knowledgeable, supportive, and helpful staff members who have walked through making decisions about unplanned pregnancies with thousands of men and women. Two things are for sure—your situation is unique and your concerns matter. Contact us for an appointment right away.
When making a decision about your unplanned pregnancy, here are some things we recommend:
- Take your time. More often than not, those who regret their decision are those who rushed into making it. It may feel as though you need to make a decision today, especially if you are thinking about abortion, but time is your friend.
- Consider including a trusted and wise individual who knows you in the decision making process. This could be an older sibling, a parent, or maybe even a teacher or mentor in your life. They know you and will be able to speak truth and wisdom into your situation.
- Do your research. Making sure that your decision is an informed decision is key. You can’t build a house without all the necessary parts—just like you can’t make a decision without knowing as much information as possible about each of your options and the possible outcomes. For some people, making a list of pros and cons is beneficial in weighing your options.
- Take time to pray or meditate on the information you’ve gathered. If you’re a religious or spiritual person, it’s important to consider how your values and morals play into the decision you’re trying to make.
- Picture your life in the future after each possible decision—abortion, adoption, or parenting. You know yourself better than anyone else. Pay attention to your how you feel emotionally and mentally as you picture each scenario.
It’s important to note that this decision is yours to make. No one can force you to make a decision that you don’t want to make. Even if you are a minor, the choice is yours.
At Avenue Women’s Center, if you are pregnant and don’t know what to do, we want to help you feel informed about your options and confident in your decision. Call (630) 455-0300 today or click here to chat to schedule a session for a free, confidential, nonjudgmental, and informative consultation. We hope that you will be proud of yourself for making a good decision.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.