At some point in life, we all encounter a major obstacle. We need to find our way around or through it, but we don’t have what it takes to navigate the path, as best we can, alone. This can be really hard, especially when the obstacle is connected to your emotions in some way.
Are you facing an unplanned pregnancy and needing to figure out the next steps with your decisions? Wherever you find yourself in the process, the staff of Avenue Women’s Center would be honored to help you. Our offices are located in Elmhurst, Glen Ellyn / Lombard, Naperville, and Wood Dale, Illinois. To schedule an appointment or to ask any questions, please contact us today.
One of the most significant steps to take when you want to set a healthy direction for your life is to tell someone else. Some of us find that difficult! We prefer to keep things to ourselves, be strong, and handle it – especially if the obstacle isn’t something we’re proud of. But finding a trusted advisor can make all the difference. Yes, we have to choose the right person, someone who will honor our privacy. And yes, we have to work up the courage to start the conversation and be honest about the key considerations that factor into our decision-making. Those steps can feel hard. But – it can also provide relief to have shared some of the burden you’ve been carrying alone. You can receive insights you wouldn’t have come up with on your own. You even gain insights from hearing yourself describe the problem out loud. Things often become clear when they’re moved from internal stress into the spoken realm.
Besides gaining clarity on personal pressures and preferences, having a trusted person at your side is useful from a practical standpoint. When facing an unplanned pregnancy, there are many “facts” that you want to gather. How can you get a verification of a positive home test result? Exactly how far along is your pregnancy (more than just a general estimate)? What are the abortion procedures available to women at your stage? What are benefits/concerns about the abortion pill? Is there help for getting free prenatal vitamins if you want them? What are other resources that you might benefit from? Besides the emotional support, it’s good to take advantage of practical support that others can provide.
A friend of mine has been a lifeline when I’m trying to make lasting changes in my life. She knows the mistakes I’ve made and encourages me to make choices that will help me avoid similar mistakes in the future. These conversations aren’t always easy, and sometimes it’s painful to confess that I’ve made the same wrong decision again. But she reminds me of things that are true, and encourages me in the way I truly want to go. When I ask her for help, I am reminded of things that are important to me.
And that’s another benefit of asking for help – The right person will help you identify and follow through on decisions that move you in the direction you want to go. You might just need them for a quick consultation before you brave your obstacle. You might even want to tell them about specific steps you’re planning to take, and ask them to regularly check in with you on how it’s going. As you move forward, you can have support for your journey.
If you are facing the obstacle of an unexpected pregnancy, will you please consider reaching out to Avenue Women’s Center for support? I shared about the help my friend has been to me – and she has. But there also have been times when I’ve needed more than just a friend. I’ve needed professional expertise, an unbiased ear, guaranteed confidentiality, qualified practical care, and – yes – still someone who will listen and respect and CARE. At Avenue Women’s Center, we are committed to providing all of those things. We hope you will contact us today.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.