It’s official- Spring has finally arrived! Perhaps you’ve already started to notice buds forming on trees and timidly emerging from the soil, or woken up to the melody of birds singing. However, if you’re facing anxiety around an unexpected pregnancy, it might feel as though winter has a hold on you despite the springtime renewal happening all around. Those of us who live in Chicagoland have experienced winter’s reluctance to release us from its icy grip almost every year. Take heart, because that first breath of warm, refreshing spring air is bound to happen. We wish for you to encounter similar freedom from fear during this season of pregnancy.
At Avenue Women’s Center, our expert staff is equipped to provide honest, accurate information about your options. Additionally, we offer practical referrals and limited medical services to meet your needs. We hope that the compassionate, nonjudgmental support of our pregnancy consultants will allow you to experience a sigh of relief, knowing that you don’t have to do this alone.
Contact us today to schedule a free and confidential pregnancy consultation.
Avenue Women’s Center Reviews, April 2022
Let’s hear from some of the women who visited our centers this April, and offered some input on what they liked best about Avenue.
- “Very friendly.”
- “The great service and attention. Thank you so much.”
- “I really liked how she validated my feelings. I also like how she was soft-spoken and not harsh.”
- “She was very friendly + helpful. Love how they have a lot of services.”
- “Everything! You all are the best. Keep being great.”
- “How comfortable they made me feel.”
- “Attention to detail.”
- “Thank you for being so caring and helpful!”
- “Very supportive on the choice I made.”
- “Provided all the help we would need, she was very kind.”
- “The support and kindness.”
- “The kindness and empathy shown.”
- “I loved how Ms. Hannah made me feel comfortable. I was nervous because I had never been here before and was not sure if this establishment was only for young girls. I felt reassured and my nerves went down a lot after speaking to her.”
- “Very caring & supportive environment; I felt comfortable enough to share my past & what I’m going through right now; would recommend this place to others going through my situation.”
- “They were very helpful and informative.”
- “Amazing service.”
- I very much liked and appreciated that I felt understood and not judged. Every ounce of information was comforting. I am glad there’s a place like this for women. Thank you.”
- “The information and kindness.”
- “Very helpful and understanding!”
- “I felt safe, comfortable; I loved it.”
- “The ladies were very helpful, made me feel comfortable; they answered all of my questions and more; yes, I would recommend this location to any woman in need of direction. Thank you!!!”
- “I appreciate how my consultant was listening and speaking to me – not only as a patient, but as a person.”
- “Services great. Great information.”
- “Nice, easy, relaxed.”
- “Created a safe environment to be open and honest.”
- “I want to say I cannot emphasize enough how great you are at what you do. Battling this inside me has been so difficult but simply talking to you, feeling understood and not feeling an ounce of judgement made me feel a lot better. Thank you Lindsay!”
At Avenue Women’s Center, we want you to feel safe, supported, and valued for the unique woman that you are. We aim to provide high-quality services and an overall positive experience like those described above.
Reach out to us to schedule a consultation at one of our 6 locations in DuPage County, Illinois. We look forward to hearing from you!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.