The first month of 2021 is behind us. Although we’ve entered a new year, in some ways it seems like the world around us has remained the same. Have you ever felt that way when you’ve reached a new milestone? Perhaps you were looking forward to turning 16 so you could get your driver’s license. Then, when your birthday came around, you didn’t feel any different. Or, maybe you were looking forward to turning 18, so you’d be considered a legal adult. Then, you noticed people around you may not have treated you that way. Perhaps you were really anticipating graduating from high school or college because then “your real life” would begin. Yet, you found out that the expectations didn’t meet your reality. The same can be said about many stages of our lives. The important thing is the perspective we choose to have. Will we make the most of the time we’re in?
Are you worried that an unexpected pregnancy would cause everything to come to a halt? Are you wondering if your plans for the future may be impacted? Avenue Women’s Center is here to help. If you’re concerned about a possible pregnancy, our medical-grade pregnancy tests will put your mind at ease. If you’ve already taken a positive test at home and need more information on your options, we’ve got that covered too.
Call, chat, email, or text for a confidential appointment at one of our six DuPage County locations.
January 2021 Client Reviews
We love hearing from women who have been to one of our local pregnancy centers. Many of them were concerned about what the future may hold. They were able to receive answers and support in a caring environment. Hear what they had to say:
- “Did not feel any pressure, seemed very knowledgeable and helpful. Very nice and respectful”
- “Good listeners and respect opinions. I felt welcome, supported, and cared for.”
- “I like that they provided me with a lot of helpful resources and information.”
- “Very professional and understanding. Didn’t push about any options. Made it very easy to talk about. Very private facility and take care with privacy. Provided great resources.”
- “Everything, very nice, well organized, also very good at keeping me calm.”
- “Everything being explained to me. Since I am new to all this it was very helpful.”
- “Very nice place, nice staff”
- “The fast availability, the environment.”
- “From the very beginning I felt comfortable. I was able to express my feelings and I felt understood. I really needed a place like this during time of uncertainly.”
- “Easy to talk to and felt very comfortable.”
If you’d like to receive unexpected pregnancy services like our January clients described above, contact us. Receive confidential services, all at no cost. Our locations in Darien, Elmhurst, Glen Ellyn / Lombard, Naperville, West Chicago, and Wood Dale, Illinois are here to serve you today. Same-day appointments are often available.
Schedule an appointment to take the next steps towards your future!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.