Autumn is in full swing! A number of little changes in my life- mostly pleasant- have confirmed this. ‘Tis the season for relaxing by the fireside, making Thanksgiving plans, and sipping hot mugs of cider on chilly evenings. These couple of weeks are the only time of the year when my trees (and my yard) are covered in bright yellow leaves. One of my favorite things about living in the Midwest is fully experiencing the changing of the seasons. These predictable transitions create variety in my life, mark the passage of time, and help me to appreciate the unique attributes each season has to offer. Maybe you feel similarly. And yet, you’re currently struggling to cope with other kinds of changes that are very much unwelcome… like the changes brought on by an unexpected pregnancy.
If you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy this fall, Avenue Women’s Center is available to meet you in this challenging space. We’re a first-step pregnancy center that offers no-cost services to help women make informed choices which lead to positive outcomes. Since 1981, we’ve been partnering with individuals, couples, and families in this mission.
Learn more “About Us” and explore our free early pregnancy services!
Avenue Women’s Center Reviews, October 2023
Our expert pregnancy consultants at Avenue welcome honest feedback from the women we serve. Their input is extremely important, because it allows us to grow in areas where we need to grow and share real comments with those who are considering reaching out to us. The vast majority of feedback we receive is very positive. Here are some responses that were provided by persons who visited us in October when we asked what they liked best about their Avenue experiences.
- “They genuinely care and are here to support women going through a situation like mine. Appreciate the info provided. Thank you for being non-judgmental.”
- “I’m not a very social person but it was nice how they always asked how I felt and if I had questions.”
- “La amabilidad de mi consultora y de la enfermera. Me senti comoda y segura MUCHAS GRACIAS!! (The friendliness of my consultant & the nurse. I felt comfortable and secure. Thank you so much!!)”
- “Friendly/professional service.”
- “Lisa is an amazing resource who is reassuring, comforting and knowledgeable. I appreciate her and Avenue.”
- “Comforting and respectful, offered good next steps.”
- “Personal questions that made the whole process more comfortable.”
- “Jen was good at listening to me. Was very caring and was there for me. I will definitely recommend this place to anyone in need.”
- “Very helpful, would come again in the future. Very nice staff and ultrasound tech.”
- “Christa, she was open-minded, caring and very informative. Clean and feels like a safe space!”
- “I really appreciate how welcoming and compassionate everyone is. I’ve been anxious since finding out I’m pregnant but the center is responsible for putting me at ease.”
- “Reabi mucha informacion importante y necesaria Tueron muy amablels me excucharaon y ayudaron. (I found out a lot of important and necessary information. They were very kind, listened to me and helped me.)”
- “Gave me the best advice and listed (listened) to me, my needs, and anything I wanted to speak on. Also gave me a lot of [resources].”
- “Above & beyond care; very grateful!”
The feedback we receive at Avenue demonstrates that we consistently meet the individuals we serve with warmth, compassion, and professionalism. Our expert pregnancy consultants and nurses are here to partner with you throughout your pregnancy journey, wherever it may lead. You’ve got this! And we’ve got your back.
Call, text, chat, or email to schedule an appointment at one of our six locations in Chicagoland, Illinois!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.