Have you ever experienced a shocking event that changed the course of your life? Maybe your carefully planned routine suddenly imploded, triggering dark days and a whole lot of doubt and discouragement. As difficult as this time was for you, perhaps you’re able to look back and recognize the good that came out of it. Maybe that experience placed you on the path you’re navigating today. And you wouldn’t change the past if you could, because hindsight has shown you how beautiful things can emerge from life’s challenges.
Of course, not everyone feels this way about the painful experiences they’ve dealt with. Perspective is an important piece of the puzzle. Unless you’re looking for beauty that’s risen from unexpected places, you may not find it. Perhaps you’re going through an unexpected pregnancy right now. And you can’t imagine this situation leading to any sort of positive outcome. You’re not alone. Avenue Women’s Center is here to help you access the practical and emotional support you need to move forward with courage.
Check out our web page and learn about Avenue’s no-cost early pregnancy services!
Reframing Your Outlook
I’d like to encourage (and challenge) you to see your unexpected pregnancy through a different lens. It’s hard to envision good things growing from hardship when you’re “in the trenches.” So, try to recall a different experience from your past that was really hard, but brought joy or personal growth later on. Consider that season of life as you would view a painting in an art museum. Then, gently remove the frame and place it over your present situation. If you could see this unexpected pregnancy in hindsight, maybe from the standpoint of an older, more experienced version of you, how might that change your outlook on your circumstances and options? Emotional pain and doubt are facts of life. There’s no guarantee that the choices you make today will lead to an outcome you feel good about tomorrow. That’s why it’s vital to consider meaningful life decisions with care. But challenging situations do have the potential to shape people, and their futures, for the better.
Pain Leading to Purpose
Our team at Avenue is here to lighten your load, while helping you use this experience (all the positive and painful aspects of it) to discover your own next chapter. It may be difficult to see how beauty could emerge from an unexpected pregnancy, even after your pregnancy decision has been made. Understanding the full picture may be a lifelong process. But allowing hard things to direct your life in constructive ways (and seeing the potential for this) doesn’t invalidate the anxiety, sorrow, or anger you’re coping with today. Honor your pain by using it to find purpose and direction.
Avenue Women’s Center exists to partner with you on your own pregnancy journey. We offer unconditional support, helping you see the various angles of your situation from a well-informed perspective. How? Through education (on all your options and resources) and compassionate care. We’ve engaged in this meaningful work alongside women for over forty years!
Schedule an appointment at one of our six Chicago area limited medical clinics today, or connect with us virtually!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.