Perhaps one of the more well-known unexpected pregnancy symptoms is a missed period. Typically, your menstrual cycle occurs every month when an egg is unfertilized. This is why women who are pregnant typically don’t have a menstrual cycle. However, this may have caused you some confusion if you think you’re pregnant, but you’ve noticed some bleeding that looks like a period. You shouldn’t be able to experience your menstrual cycle if you’re pregnant, right? So what does this bleeding mean?
Are you wondering why it seems like you’re still getting your period if you’re pregnant? Avenue Women’s Center can help you find the answers you need. Confirm your pregnancy with a medical-grade test, accurate just ten days after possible conception. Our expert pregnancy consultants will walk you through your results in a confidential environment. If you have a positive test, we can discuss your options and equip you for your next steps.
Contact us today for a free appointment at one of our six Chicagoland centers!
Why Might I Be Bleeding During My Pregnancy?
It’s important to factor your health into any of your unexpected pregnancy decisions. Learning more about your condition can alert you to potential complications. It can also help you plan out what type of care you may need. There are a few reasons why a woman may experience bleeding during her pregnancy.
You’re Not Pregnant:
Bleeding during your pregnancy may not be a warning sign of another health condition. It’s possible your regular menstruation has returned. A user error or inaccurate pregnancy test have may have led to a false positive. Or, some other health condition might have disrupted your periods. Any of these factors understandably might have caused you to believe you were pregnant. It’s important to confirm your at-home results with a doctor or women’s clinic.
Pregnancy Symptoms:
Some first-trimester pregnancy symptoms can be similar to your period. You may experience light vaginal bleeding, some cramping, fatigue, and lower back pain. Your body’s preparation methods for pregnancy can easily be mistaken for your menstrual cycle. If these symptoms persist, then it’s important that you speak with a healthcare provider.
Implantation Bleeding:
This can happen in the early pregnancy stages. A fertilized egg may have implanted itself in your uterus. If this happened when your period is expected, then it’s easy to mistake this for your period. Implantation bleeding is usually light and may involve spotting.
Other Causes:
Some types of bleeding during your pregnancy can be an indication of a more serious medical condition. This may include ectopic pregnancy or a miscarriage. Some of the symptoms of one of these complications may be:
- severe cramps
- back pain
- fatigue
- shoulder pain
- fever
- vaginal discharge
- uncontrollable nausea or vomiting
- heavy bleeding
It’s important to meet with a medical professional to see if you’re at risk for any of these health concerns. An ultrasound exam can typically alert you to potential complications. You can schedule one with your doctor or at a first-step options clinic.
Suffice to say, it’s not common to get your normal period if you’re pregnant. It can be hard to tell why you might be bleeding during your pregnancy. Before moving forward with an unexpected pregnancy decision, it’s recommended you determine what the reason is. That way you can receive reliable information about your health as you work through your options.
Do you have questions about why you might be bleeding during your pregnancy? Avenue Women’s Center can partner with you to help you locate the answers you need. We offer free limited medical services to learn more about your pregnancy. We can also meet with you for a private consultation to discuss your choices of abortion, adoption, and parenting. No matter what your concerns are, we’re here to help you sort them out.
Reach out today for confidential care at no cost!
- healthline. (2019, March 11). Can You Get Your Period and Still Be Pregnant? Retrieved from: https://www.healthline.com/health/pregnant/period-and-pregnant#bottom-line
Reviewed by Patricia Kuenzi, APN-CNP, MSN, ANP, PNP.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.