Finding a career you love can be a difficult task, and now that you’re in a vocation you enjoy, you’re ready to advance to the next stage. Perhaps you feel like you’ve finally succeeded in putting your skills and passions to good use…only to discover that you are unexpectedly pregnant. Pursuing a promotion often requires dedication and extra attention. How do you figure out your pregnancy decision while also balancing a potential promotion at work?
Being in a position to accept the responsibility of a more expansive role at work can be exciting, but it may have left you worried about being pregnant right now. Avenue Women’s Center understands each woman’s unexpected pregnancy situation is unique, and we are here to offer nonjudgmental support as you begin the process of making a decision. Our expert pregnancy consultants meet with clients in a private session to discuss parenting, adoption, and abortion, listening to your unique concerns and making themselves available to answer any questions. Contact us to set up your free appointment today!
One Step at a Time
Consider the confidence you had when you stepped out of your comfort zone to take on the learning curves that are likely to follow a higher position. While a pregnancy may not have been the change you had been actively working towards, it’s unlikely you would have even considered going for a promotion if you did not have faith in your capacity to handle adjustments to your routine. Since a lot of planning probably went into getting where you are now, the same approach is often best with an unexpected pregnancy.
Also, don’t be afraid to seek help. Your coworkers or friends may have had the same experience as you, and they may be able to offer support. It can be nice to hear divergent perspectives as you think about your own situation, and seeking support from an outside professional source can provide further clarity.
The Pregnancy and Your Job
Some women fear a pregnancy means postponing their professional advancement, but your personal goals still matter, even when you’re expecting. While the journey there may be a bit different, it is not always the case that your aspirations must be neglected, and your employer cannot interfere with this. If part of the reason you feel you must seriously consider abortion is because you’re afraid you will be passed up for the promotion, please know you have legal rights as a pregnant woman in the workforce.
While your concern about the upcoming promotion and working while pregnant means you’re seriously considering abortion, try to give yourself space to take a personal inventory. If you have not already done so, you may want to begin putting your plan into action by confirming the pregnancy with a healthcare provider or through a first-step options clinic. After this has been done, you may need to schedule an ultrasound appointment to see how far along you are, as if you’re still thinking about abortion, the gestational age of your pregnancy may influence what types of procedures are available to you. An ultrasound can also give you information regarding early pregnancy risks such as miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy, which would require alternate next steps.
Under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, you are entitled to equality at your workplace, and by law, your employer cannot deny you a promotion based on your condition. If you have any questions about your legal rights and protections, think about consulting the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
As you begin to think about finding a new place for yourself at your company, it can be hard to prepare yourself for a promotion while pregnant. Avenue Women’s Center is here to ensure you have access to the supportive resources you need, taking the time to offer you a free, limited ultrasound in order to supply you with relevant information about your pregnancy. We understand the challenges of balancing work with decisions about your pregnancy, and our caring staff will meet with you for a private consultation to discuss those concerns with you. Reach out today and receive answers to your unexpected pregnancy questions.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.