There are many common beliefs regarding pregnancy and its prevention. Many search for answers about other ways to prevent pregnancy, aside from typical contraceptive options. And it can be difficult to determine fact from fiction. Is it possible to prevent pregnancy by having sex in a hot tub or heated pool? While the chances of becoming pregnant in this scenario may be reduced, an unexpected pregnancy could still occur. Have you experienced symptoms that make you concerned you could be pregnant? What is the likelihood that sex in hot water led to an unexpected pregnancy?
Are you concerned that sexual activity may have led to an unexpected pregnancy? Find out for sure today at Avenue Women’s Center. Our free medical-grade tests are accurate just ten days after possible conception. Our caring staff is here to address your questions regarding a potential pregnancy, as well as prevention. Address your unique concerns today in a free appointment at one of our six DuPage County locations.
Contact us today for confidential support and answers to your questions at no cost!
Sex in Hot Water: What Is the Possibility of Pregnancy?
Some believe that having sex in hot water can prevent you from becoming pregnant. This theory exists because sperm often do not react well to heat. However, the temperature of the water may not kill all of your partner’s sperm. If your partner has ejaculated inside of you, even if you’re both submerged, his sperm can still travel fast enough to make it inside of your uterus.
This can potentially lead to one of your eggs becoming fertilized if you’re within your fertility window. This is generally around 6 days long. And, when it occurs, you’re more likely to become pregnant after sexual intercourse. It should be noted that sperm can sometimes survive inside the uterus for up to five days before an egg cell is released. So, even if you’re not currently within your cycle, there may still be a chance for conception to happen if you and your partner are physically intimate.
It can be equally risky if you used a condom while in the water. The heat can wear the material down and potentially cause it to rip or break. If you were in an area with chlorine, this can also deteriorate the outside of the condom.
Do You Know For Sure If You’re Pregnant?
An unexpected pregnancy can lead to a mixture of complex emotions. But before you attempt to sort through them, it’s recommended you confirm your condition first. Taking a test at home can be a good first step. However, it’s recommended to confirm your results through a professional source such as a doctor’s office, clinic, or pregnancy center. Many factors can influence home results and it’s important to know for sure.
What Should I Do If I’m Pregnant?
If your suspicions are confirmed, the news of an unexpected pregnancy may have come as a shock. You may experience a lot of heavy emotions after discovering this news. And it’s recommended you build a community of support behind you. Your personal relationships or the assistance of a professional, such as a doctor or a pregnancy consultant, can fill you with encouragement and remind you that you have help.
A helpful next step is to complete an ultrasound exam. This appointment can provide you with information regarding how far along you are and identify any early pregnancy risks such as miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. Regardless of how you’re feeling about the pregnancy, this information is important to know.
You may be vaguely aware that you have three choices – abortion, adoption, and parenting. But these are options you might not have had to think about before. It can be helpful to work with a professional who can supply you with information about these decisions and assist you with weighing the pros and cons behind each choice.
There can be a lot of feelings to work through when faced with an unexpected pregnancy. And having a solid community of support behind you that can help you with research your options can reduce some of the stress involved with making a decision.
Are you worried your method of contraception may have failed? Avenue Women’s Center can walk you through the steps of confirming your pregnancy while providing you with relevant information about your health. Receive the information and support you need to take the next step in your pregnancy decision.
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American Pregnancy Association. What is Ovulation? Retrieved from: https://americanpregnancy.org/getting-pregnant/understanding-ovulation/
Reviewed by Patricia Kuenzi, APN-CNP, MSN, ANP, PNP.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.