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Abortion and Bed Rest

You have just seen your provider and he is prescribing you to be on bed rest. It usually is due to some complications you are having during your pregnancy. Some examples might be problems with the placenta that may be causing some bleeding, an incompetent cervix, pre-term labor, or a twin pregnancy.

When faced with a prescription for bed rest, it can feel like a mandate for abortion. You weren’t looking to be pregnant at this time. You have other children to care for. And you have bills to pay. You need to be up and working. If you live in Chicagoland and we’re describing you, please call or text us today. We are here to provide help and support as women navigate their pressures and questions surrounding abortion, and we would like to help you.

Many challenges may arise when you are put on bed rest. You might be unable to return to work, go shopping, or socialize outside of the home. Also interacting with your children may be difficult as well as chores around the house. This all depends on the severity of the complication and what type of bed rest your provider is recommending.

There are some added risks to your health when you are on bed rest, which your doctor should explain to you. They may include an increased risk of blood clots, mood changes, guilt, depression and/or anxiety. If bed rest is recommended make sure you ask your doctor plenty of questions so you know your limits and expectations.

Surviving bed rest might seem impossible but it can be done. You can get organized. Have everything you need close by and within your reach. To overcome boredom, email or text friends, start scrapbooking, journal, browse online, or read a book or two. Your doctor will also instruct you about setting some time aside for stretching.

Certainly, you are going to need to seek help. Not everyone has a supportive partner or strong family connection nearby. Unfortunately, at times like this, you may find that your old friends are not as supportive as you would like.

“Friendship isn’t about whom you have known the longest… It’s about who came, and never left your side.” -Mikaela Tiu

There are people who want to stand at your side. And it’s not too late to meet them.

An online support group can provide connections with others who have been through this already.

To help meet your practical needs, spend some time thinking about what exactly they are. Especially if you’re not used to asking for help, it will be easier if you first know exactly what you need. Maybe you will need three month’s rent. Dinners delivered twice a week. Help in the morning, packing lunches for your children. Someone to walk your dog. Only you know the things that will be most helpful in your situation.

Many women are surprised to report how things came together for them. We’ve heard stories of new friends or new church connections extending themselves to make the difference that was needed.

Are you considering whether or not to continue with your pregnancy, despite bed rest? If you are near our Chicagoland locations, Avenue Women’s Center would like to help you. Today may be the first time you heard the words “bed rest.” You may be starting to feel overwhelmed. Or you may have already turned from “Can I make this work?” to “What would termination look like in my situation?” If you are facing bed rest and considering abortion, we hope you will contact us. We exist to provide nonjudgmental support for women in unexpected pregnancy situations. And we want to stand at your side.


  • Mayo Clinic. (2017, March) Bed Rest During Pregnancy: Get The Facts. Retrieved from:
  • American Pregnancy Association (2017, May) Bed Rest. Retrieved from:

The information provided here is general in nature.  It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center.  If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention.  Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.