Are you facing an unexpected pregnancy, and feeling like abortion is your clearest path forward? Some individuals who choose to abort truly want this outcome. If you’re thinking about abortion because you’re missing a key resource, it might mean you don’t really want to end the pregnancy. Maybe you’re motivated to pursue this option because you don’t have access to a doctor or health insurance. Perhaps you’re open to exploring parenting or adoption, but you don’t believe you have the medical support you’d need to follow these paths. Does this sound familiar? If so, this blog is for you.
Of all the barriers that prevent women from making confident pregnancy decisions, it’s fair to say that limited resources top the list. Many people choose what looks like the path of least resistance without carefully considering their own needs and desires. They do this because they believe they’re facing too many disadvantages to explore any other roads. At Avenue Women’s Center, we’re passionate about removing these obstacles. Women are most empowered to make their own best choices when they have access to reliable information, services, and support. That’s exactly what we strive to give them at Avenue.
Learn more About Avenue Women’s Center! We’ve been a trusted provider of early pregnancy support for over 40 years! We offer virtual consultations and free appointments at multiple locations in Chicagoland.
It’s True- Health Care is Important
If you’re concerned about not having a doctor or insurance, you’re probably the kind of person who cares about safeguarding her health. Maybe you’re a parent or exploring the possibility of becoming one. If so, you undoubtedly want to meet the medical needs of your kids or future kids. That’s admirable! Know that your pregnancy decision doesn’t have to be a choice between carrying to term and protecting your health or someone else’s. With the right resources, it’s completely possible to do both. (More on that in a moment!) It’s also important to remember that abortion, adoption, and parenting all involve medical processes and require ongoing medical support. So, no matter how you choose to move forward, securing appropriate health care will be a critical step.
A Better Way to Navigate Decision-Making
Many individuals who experience an unexpected pregnancy feel like they have to make a pregnancy decision based on something they lack– something like affordable health care, financial resources, or emotional support. They’re so overwhelmed by their circumstances that they struggle to see the truth: There’s a better way to navigate a decision-making process, and that better way is possible for everyone. Your healthiest pregnancy choice will be grounded not in what you don’t have, but in what you do have or can attain. Chances are, you already have many personal strengths and practical resources (probably more than you realize) that could help you take your next steps feeling empowered. You can gather more tools by exploring additional resources and avenues of support. You’ll likely feel more confident in your choice for abortion, adoption, or parenting if you make that decision from a position of strength and knowledge instead of vulnerability.
Accessing Resources and Other Services at Avenue Women’s Center
In Chicagoland and many other communities, a wide variety of resources are available for individuals who need assistance accessing health care. These resources could help you get all the support you need to make whichever pregnancy choice you genuinely feel most drawn to. Here are some of the many resources you may be eligible for if you’re located in the western Chicago metro area:
- Health insurance programs, like Medicaid, All Kids, FamilyCare, Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility (MPE) Program, and Moms and Babies.
- Financial assistance through programs like WIC.
- Affordable medical care through a Federally Qualified Health Center.
Our expert staff at Avenue Women’s Center is here to provide comprehensive information on all the resources mentioned above and many others. During a no-cost consultation, we’ll listen to your story, go over the processes involved with all your pregnancy options, and pinpoint the resources that would be most helpful at this stage of your journey. Avenue also provides free limited medical services like limited medical ultrasounds. Everyone deserves to know the condition of their pregnancy and which options they’re eligible for, so they can make an informed decision while prioritizing their own health. Our confidential services at Avenue make this possible.
Fear does not have to be a motivating factor in your pregnancy journey. And you don’t have to make a pregnancy decision feeling vulnerable and lacking support. Your best choice will come from your strengths, like a support network, your personal abilities, and access to the services you need. Our compassionate staff at Avenue is here to help you take clear steps in this direction. We’re confident that you have the mind and will to overcome barriers and figure out the path that’s right for you. We’d love to navigate this journey by your side.
Reach out to speak with a caring team member and schedule an appointment!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.