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Considering Abortion Because I Have No Support

At some point or another in our lives, we need support. While some of us feel independent and self-sufficient, it’s always nice to know that, just in case we need it, there’s a friendly smile and helping hand waiting. So, what do you do if you feel you have no support during a time of need? Maybe you find yourself facing an unexpected pregnancy and don’t know where to go for help. Perhaps you’re considering abortion because you feel you have no support.

Are you considering abortion because wherever you look, you can’t seem to find support? Perhaps you feel isolated in your circumstances and can’t think about trying to navigate a pregnancy alone. Avenue Women’s Center is a first-step pregnancy clinic and we are here for you in your time of need. Not only can our caring pregnancy consultants come alongside you as you walk this journey, but they can connect you with further resources to lighten your load. 

Reach out today to get compassionate help and support!

Where Do You Go When You Feel Like There’s Nobody To Turn To?

Whether your need feels big or small, not having a support system around when that need arises can be stressful. Even if you’ve gone through difficult circumstances and made hard decisions before, it can be comforting to know there’s someone in your corner. If you find yourself in a situation with very limited or no support, there are ways to find people and resources who will walk with you. At Avenue, we can connect you with various resources and help you find the support you’re looking for. We never want somebody to feel like they’re going through life alone.

Processing Your Pregnancy Decision

So, you’re considering abortion because you have no support. Imagine you have a community of friends and organizations surrounding you. Your needs are provided for. You have trusted confidantes, and you no longer feel isolated. Does this change the way you feel about your pregnancy decision? Regardless of whether or not your feelings or thoughts have changed, it’s important to gather information about each of your options, including their benefits and potential risks.

Gathering Information to Make a Healthy Decision

You no longer have to do all of the research by yourself. Now that you know some people and organizations would love to help and support you,  more information is within your grasp. What are the next steps toward making a healthy pregnancy decision? Learn as much as you can about your options and schedule an ultrasound exam. An ultrasound will determine the age, health, and viability of your pregnancy. These pieces of information will help determine what kind of abortion you’d be eligible for and the possibility of miscarriage. Avenue Women’s Centers offers limited free ultrasound exams to help you in your process.

You are never alone. Connect with Avenue and let us help you get connected with resources and support as you decide about your pregnancy. We care about you and your health, so our services are free and confidential. One of our expert consultants would love to meet you and hear your story soon!

Schedule an ultrasound exam at one of our six DuPage County locations today!

The information provided here is general in nature.  It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center.  If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention.  Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.