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Considering Abortion Because My Partner Has an Addiction

Relationships can open us to new journeys. Some of these unexplored pathways are exciting and new. But other times, relationships can lead us down a challenging route, filled with winding roads and surprising bumps. Unlike our family members, our partner is someone we choose to bring into our life. The lack of a blood relation means these types of bonds typically require more work. An unexpected pregnancy can throw many couples for a loop. But if your partner struggles with an addiction, that can complicate things further. Coupled with the stress of your partner’s addiction, coping with the news of an unexpected pregnancy can seem overwhelming. Where can you go to locate support?

If you know your partner has an addiction, you may be wondering how to move forward. You are not alone. Avenue Women’s Center has been a trusted resource for women since 1981. Our expert pregnancy consultants will supply you with reliable information about all your options. We’ll answer your questions about abortion, the different procedures, and abortion alternatives. We can connect you with community resources and referrals for additional support. Within a safe environment, we’ll make sure you have the comfort you need as you make your decision.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation at one of our six centers in DuPage County!

Coping With a Partner’s Addiction During an Unexpected Pregnancy

Addiction can be a destructive force. You might find it difficult to communicate with your partner about how it’s affecting you. This in turn may lead to hurt feelings if it seems like he’s brushing off your concerns. You may also feel tense if the addiction means you’re often worried about your partner. Learning you’re pregnant may have awakened new fears.

Namely, what does the future look like now for you and your partner? Should you consider abortion because of your partner’s addiction? Who can you talk to for guidance?

Try to remember your partner’s struggles are not your fault. Perhaps the addiction was not obvious at the beginning of your relationship. His behavior may have seemed normal at first. Or perhaps he hid these vices from you because he was ashamed. It’s also possible he developed the addiction sometime after your relationship began.

Your partner may be in need of help. Regardless of whether or not he is receptive to it, your safety comes first. Do you know who you can reach out to – a friend, a family member, a spiritual leader, a doctor, or a pregnancy consultant? It may be a good idea to build a supportive community behind you. That way, you can have help processing your options. And the more people who know about the situation you’re in, the more people you’ll have looking out for you.

What Can I Do If I’m Pregnant and My Partner Has an Addiction?

You may feel confronted by a series of choices. These decisions may relate to both the pregnancy and your partner. It can be helpful to list out your options. Then, you may want to discuss them with a trusted resource. Even if you’re considering abortion, it’s often beneficial to plan your next steps.

Avoid Denial:

Coping with an unexpected pregnancy alongside your partner’s addiction battles can be hard. At times, it may seem easier to pretend no problem exists. But this is unlikely to lead you to a workable solution. Acknowledging your circumstances can be painful. However, this can aid you in beginning to take control of your situation. You may start by contacting someone you know can help you. This may be a personal connection or a professional resource. Doing this can give you a clearer head and guide you toward your next steps.

Gather Support:

As the saying goes, there’s strength in numbers. At times you may feel alone and wonder what you’re supposed to do? Connecting with supportive outlets can surround you with understanding people. It can be good to do this even if you’re considering abortion. That way, you can have an idea of where to turn going forward. Who can you talk to in your circle of friends and relatives? Have you considered joining a support group? Or reaching out to a first-step options clinic? This can aid you in feeling less isolated.

Practice Self-Care:

Your well-being matters all throughout your relationship with your partner. You are not to blame for his frustrations or shortfalls. Telling yourself that you are can be damaging to your emotional and mental health. Physical health is also relevant – especially during pregnancy. Try to take care of yourself during this vulnerable time. A pregnancy consultant or a doctor can give you advice on how to get started with practicing self-care. For women thinking about abortion, scheduling an ultrasound exam can still be important. An ultrasound can alert you to complications, such as a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy. It can be helpful to know this so you can learn what treatments you may need to look into. The exam can also tell you the gestational age of your pregnancy. That information is often necessary to know what abortion options are still available.

Are you contemplating what to do if you’re pregnant and your partner has an addiction? Avenue Women’s Center will work with you to help you find the care you need. Each of our centers offers free, limited medical services. Our caring staff will also meet with you for a private consultation. We’ll make sure you have all the information you need to make a decision. We want you to know we’re here for you during this challenging time.

Schedule your free appointment with us today!

The information provided here is general in nature.  It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center.  If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention.  Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.