Would you describe your spouse’s lifestyle as, “unhealthy?” Perhaps he struggles with dependence on drugs, alcohol, sex, pornography, or gaming. (Even a habit that isn’t prevalent enough to be considered an addiction can have negative consequences on a person’s lifestyle). Maybe your spouse is coping with a mental health challenge that’s affecting his mood and behavior, or engaging in some harmful relationship dynamics. An “unhealthy lifestyle” can manifest itself in many different ways. These examples barely even scratch the surface.
No matter what your partner is facing, chances are, his conduct is harming you and your home environment. Perhaps you’re managing an unexpected pregnancy on top of all this. If so, you may be feeling frustrated and overwhelmed in a way that’s difficult to even describe. Know that you don’t have to navigate the days ahead on your own!
If you need some extra support during this challenging season of life, consider reaching out to Avenue Women’s Center. We’re a first-step pregnancy center and limited medical clinic offering free services to help women feel informed and empowered in their decision-making. Avenue is a safe place to process your circumstances, learn about your pregnancy options, and receive authentic support.
Learn more about Avenue Women’s Center! We’ve been partnering with individuals, couples, and families coping with unexpected pregnancies since 1981.
Considering Your Options from a Position of Strength
Maybe you’ve already started to consider your pregnancy options: abortion, adoption, and parenting. Are you leaning towards abortion because of your spouse’s unhealthy lifestyle? It’s natural for your partner’s behavior to influence your decision-making process. It’s wise to contemplate the possible consequences of your pregnancy options. However, it’s also important to consider which alternative you would feel most drawn to if you had all the support that you needed to choose any outcome.
Sometimes, women who are experiencing an unexpected pregnancy are interested in the idea of parenting, but feel that their circumstances would make this impossible. Perhaps you can relate. If so, you may be considering abortion because you believe your spouse’s conduct would make your home an unstable environment to raise a child. Maybe you’re concerned that your spouse would be a poor role model. Your concerns are valid, but there are steps you can take to make your pregnancy decision from a position of strength rather than fear.
Gathering Your Resources
Many communities offer a wide range of resources to benefit individuals who are struggling with unhealthy lifestyles. Outside support from someone like a mental health counselor, medical specialist, or mentor may be exactly what your spouse needs to make positive changes in his life. If he’s willing to accept support, some interventions could pave the way to a stable and healthy home environment. If he’s not, remember that you always have the option of taking a step back from this relationship. Your well-being is the highest priority!
Remember that you need and deserve support too. As the spouse of a person with an unhealthy lifestyle, you may be overdue for some self-care. Our expert team at Avenue is passionate about meeting women’s needs by providing free, high-quality early pregnancy services, and offering plentiful information on other community resources. We’re here to help you build your emotional support network as well. If you need help finding trustworthy partners, and navigating this pregnancy journey with your loved ones, we’ve got your back.
Caring for Yourself
Self-care (of your physical and emotional health) is vital during any season of life, but especially during an unexpected pregnancy. Learning about your pregnancy would be one practical and highly effective way to safeguard your physical wellness. Before moving forward with an abortion or any other pregnancy option, consider getting an ultrasound so you know where things stand with this pregnancy. A no-cost scan at Avenue can tell you, 1) how far along you are- to determine which abortion option(s) you’re eligible for, 2) the viability of the pregnancy, and 3) where the pregnancy is located- so you can seek immediate medical attention if your pregnancy is ectopic. If you feel informed about your pregnancy and backed by caring supporters, you’ll likely feel stronger and better equipped for the road ahead. And this is the best possible foundation to have to make a pregnancy decision.
Avenue Women’s Center offers free, confidential appointments at our six locations in Chicagoland, Illinois. We recommend beginning your pregnancy journey with a medical-grade pregnancy test (to confirm the pregnancy) and an options consultation (to learn the processes and risks involved with each of your pregnancy options). It never hurts to conclude a pregnancy journey with more knowledge than you started it with.
Call, text, chat, or email to connect with us and schedule a visit! We provide virtual and in-person consultations!
*If your spouse’s behavior is threatening your safety or anyone else’s, contact local law enforcement or call 911 immediately.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.