Addiction is something that nobody can fully understand until you’ve fought the battle for yourself. If you struggle with addiction, life can feel hard enough. When you find out that you’re unexpectedly pregnant in the midst of addiction, abortion might seem like the only option for you.
Are you considering abortion because you struggle with addiction? While this path can seem incredibly isolating, it’s important to know that you are not alone! Avenue Women’s Center is here for you during this difficult time. It can be so helpful to have a non-biased, non-judgmental conversation with an expert pregnancy consultant who can discuss your next best steps for the pregnancy with you. Having someone who genuinely cares for you and your future can make all of the difference.
Reach out today about our free and confidential pregnancy services!
How To Make a Pregnancy Decision Amid Addiction
Are you considering abortion because you’re concerned about the health of a pregnancy right now? Experts attest that using heroin or other opioids during pregnancy can result in miscarriage or premature births. However, methadone treatment has proven to be a safe and effective form of treatment for women as well as for their pregnancies.
This is empowering, encouraging news! This means you don’t have just one option regarding your pregnancy, but you can make a choice based on other factors.
It can be helpful to familiarize yourself with your pregnancy options and think through your goals for the future. Look at what support systems are available to you. Consider your personal values and how each pregnancy option either matches or goes against them.
Sometimes when we don’t know how to best go forward with a decision, it can be helpful to meet with an expert such as a pregnancy consultant. At Avenue Women’s Center, our consultants are compassionate experts who would love to give you the time and space to process your feelings, thoughts, and options. They can also provide you with lots of relevant information about your options and your pregnancy!
If you’re worried your pregnancy may already be affected by addiction and drugs, we can provide a free ultrasound exam to identify early pregnancy risks, which can aid in your decision-making process!
Most of all, we want to empower you to make the best choice for you.
Finding Pregnancy-Safe Treatment For Addiction
Are you interested in taking the next steps towards treating your addiction? If you live in the Chicagoland area and need help with addiction treatment and methadone, here are a few places where you can begin treatment:
Care Clinics of Naperville – 630-357-2012
Care Clinics of Yorkville – 630-553-9510
CAP of Downer’s Grove – 630-303-9674
CAP – Center for Addictive Problems Chicago – 312-586-9350
While the above resources provide support for addiction treatment, Avenue offers the necessary early pregnancy services to help you take your next step. Our medical-grade pregnancy tests can confirm the results you received at home. Also, you can receive a free ultrasound to determine your risk of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. We’ll walk you through your pregnancy options, addressing your unique questions and concerns. We’re here to give you the services and support you need.
Reach out today to schedule an appointment with a pregnancy consultant!
- BAART Programs. (2019, October). Can You Take Methadone While Pregnant?. Retrieved from: https://baartprograms.com/can-you-take-methadone-while-pregnant/
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, April). About Opioid Use During Pregnancy. Retrieved from: https://www.cdc.gov/pregnancy/opioids/basics.html
- Connecticut Clearinghouse. Methadone Treatment For Pregnant Women. Retrieved from: https://www.ctclearinghouse.org/customer-content/www/topics/methadone_treatment_for_pregnant_women_022808.pdf
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.