Money can sometimes be a tense subject. But it’s normal to feel anxious when it comes to thinking about finances. Finding out about an unexpected pregnancy when you may be worried about being able to support yourself might have brought some additional stress. In your mind, you may have already begun to construct a list of the items you’d need. Or you may be worried about being able to afford pregnancy care. Thinking about these things all at once can be overwhelming. That’s why it may be helpful to take some of the pressure off yourself by focusing on one thing at a time. If your main concern is financial, what are some next steps you can take while making a pregnancy decision?
Are you considering abortion because you’re worried about finances during an unexpected pregnancy? Avenue Women’s Center has worked with a variety of women throughout our six locations in DuPage County, offering reliable information and support. Our caring staff will meet with you for a private consultation about your options. We’ll answer your individual questions about abortion, adoption, and parenting. We’re here to work with you and help you navigate through available resources as you think about your decision.
Contact us today and start speaking with one of our expert pregnancy consultants, all at no cost!
Worried About Expenses During an Unexpected Pregnancy
An assortment of emotions may have come over you when you saw a positive pregnancy test result. There may have been feelings of denial, shock, frustration, and sadness. You may be wondering what your next steps should be. One of the thoughts that might have crossed your mind is this: How can I afford to be pregnant right now?
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by everything you might need. And this may have led to doubts about continuing the pregnancy. There is really no quick answer to an unexpected pregnancy. Each choice comes with a unique set of pros and cons that may personally affect you, including abortion. Before you make a decision, it may be helpful to ask questions of a professional resource – such as a healthcare provider, a counselor, or a pregnancy consultant – so you can begin to make a plan.
As you sit down with someone who may be able to walk you through your three options, there are several questions that can be beneficial to ask. Planning out expenses is important. But your health is also a priority in this decision, so you may want to take that into consideration as well.
Considerations for an Unexpected Pregnancy Decision
The things you may want to discuss with someone when looking into your options may include:
- What does my financial plan look like for each option – abortion, adoption, or parenting?
- What resources can I rely on for financial and material support if I were to consider parenting?
- Do I understand abortion costs in my state?
- Have I scheduled an ultrasound exam to rule out early pregnancy risks and determine how far along I am?
- Will knowing the gestational age play a part in my pregnancy plan? How will it impact the cost and my personal feelings about my choices?
Thinking about your next steps when you might be afraid about how to afford a pregnancy can seem like an impossible challenge. Financial concerns can place a huge pressure on us. For many people, money can be a cause of anxiety. But working with helpful resources who can care for you and answer your questions is one way some of the stress can be lifted from your shoulders.
It’s normal to be worried about how to afford an unexpected pregnancy when money might be a concern. If you’re considering abortion, or any other option, Avenue Women’s Center can provide you with reliable information about your choices through a private consultation appointment. We also offer free, limited ultrasound exams to give further insight regarding gestational age and viability (if it seems like the pregnancy is likely to continue or not). Our expert staff is here to assist you with confidential care and nonjudgmental support.
Schedule your appointment today at one of our six Chicagoland centers!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.