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Coping with an Unexpected Pregnancy While Longing for Romance

It’s natural to long for romance, no matter what circumstances you’re coping with in life.  Disappointingly, it’s also normal to experience times when this desire feels unfulfilled.  Perhaps you find yourself wishing for love while managing an unexpected pregnancy.  Romance can be especially complex to navigate during this season of life.  Know that you’re not alone, even if it feels like you don’t have a partner by your side.

Avenue Women’s Center exists to support and empower persons facing situations similar to yours.  We provide first-step pregnancy services at six limited medical clinics in Chicagoland, Illinois!  It’s our goal to help you find the practical and emotional support you need to face this unexpected pregnancy with strength and step into your most positive future. 

Learn more about our free, confidential early pregnancy services!

Romance and Pregnancy

Romance is a connection that includes an element of emotional (and often physical) attraction or love.  Relationships that are generally considered to be “romantic,” like dating or marriage relationships, don’t always satisfy the natural desire for romance.  That’s because people are complex, and not always very good at expressing love to each other.  Maybe you’re in a relationship like this.  If so, your partner may or may not be the person you became pregnant by.  Or, perhaps there isn’t someone like this in your life right now, and you wish that there was.  Romance is a challenging enough thing for people (single, dating, married, etc.) to figure out under overall normal circumstances, so learning how to approach it during an unexpected pregnancy can be especially difficult.  Your situation may include unique relationship dynamics, painful emotions, and complicated circumstances that make communicating and receiving love in healthy ways extra challenging.  However, that doesn’t mean you can’t cope!

When Romance is Lacking

If romance is absent in your life, and you’re trying to manage feelings of loneliness, it probably doesn’t help that reminders of romance are everywhere in modern culture.  Social media, advertising, and film are a few platforms where you’ll probably come across trigger points on a daily basis.  Romance is something that culture presents as glorious and fulfilling, but in reality, it can be complex and difficult to navigate, even for couples with healthy relationships.  Remember this during times that feel lonely.  Comparing your situation to an ideal picture of romance that’s incomplete or far-fetched won’t help you cope with loneliness or other challenging circumstances.

Accessing the Support You Need

For many of us, romance comes in seasons.  There’s a time and a place to pursue healthy romance in your life.  This may or may not be one of those seasons for you, depending on your individual circumstances, goals, current priorities, and other factors.  If romance is missing in your life, but you sense that this doesn’t need to be your focus right now, it may be good to accept this with the knowledge that romance may blossom a little further down the road.  If you’re in a relationship that would be made healthier by an extra dose of romance, look for ways to cultivate it.  But ensure that you’re getting all the caring support you need to manage your unexpected pregnancy either way.

Your strongest foundation of support to cope with this pregnancy will expand beyond the scope of a romantic relationship.  Consider confiding in a trustworthy family member, close friend, mentor, or pregnancy consultant.  Avenue Women’s Center provides pregnancy consultations at no cost!  These offer an opportunity to speak with a compassionate and knowledgeable professional about your situation.  Learn about your pregnancy options and identify helpful resources during your appointment.  We’re here to be a valuable part of your support network while encouraging you to strengthen the important connections you already have.

Avenue Women’s Center is dedicated to making our in-person and virtual consultations a safe, welcoming space to access support and evaluate your next steps.  Our expert staff is available to hear your unique story.  You’ll be equipped to move forward with peace of mind to make an informed, confident pregnancy decision.

Call, text, chat, or email to schedule an appointment today!

The information provided here is general in nature.  It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center.  If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention.  Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.