Things can often seem one way on the surface, but as we dig deeper it can reveal a different story altogether. A relationship may seem fine on the outside, but is painful from the inside. We put on a happy face at work or school, but feel saddened with personal struggles at home. At first glance a situation may appear a certain way, but it might start to look much differently when we look further into it. An unexpected pregnancy can be one of these situations. On the surface it may seem like you only have one option, leading you to consider abortion. What happens when you dig deeper into your thoughts and feelings about abortion?
If you have questions about abortion, find accurate and reliable information at Avenue Women’s Center. We’ve helped women in the Chicagoland area face unexpected pregnancy decisions for nearly 40 years. Each of our five locations in DuPage County provides a confidential and nonjudgmental environment for women to address their unique and personalized pregnancy decision concerns. We care about helping you learn more about your options, including abortion. Reach out to us today for a free and private pregnancy consultation!
On the Surface of a Decision about Abortion
The surface of an unexpected pregnancy situation can often have a lot factors that might lead to the consideration of abortion. You’re too young, your partner isn’t involved, your family is already developed, your finances are unstable, or you don’t have a support system to continue the pregnancy. But what’s on the surface can change, or even mask what’s on the other side of a situation. Your financial situation could improve or resources might available that you aren’t aware of yet. Similarly, your initial feelings about an abortion might change or become conflicted as you look further into this option. As you learn more about the different abortion procedures and potential physical or emotional risks, you might begin to wonder if it’s your best pregnancy decision. Some might remain certain about having an abortion, while others may start to consider other pregnancy options, such as adoption or parenting. How can you dig deeper into your decision about an abortion?
Digging Deeper into Your Feelings about Abortion
Picture the ground’s surface on a path through a forest. As you begin on the path on the outer edge of the trees, the ground might be hard and dry. As you walk deeper into the forest, tree roots begin to pop up and leaves might blanket the path. You’re suddenly immersed into a completely different area than where you first started out. Sometimes it takes a deeper look to reveal more.
On the surface, your unexpected pregnancy situation might seem like so much is pointing to an abortion. Digging deeper into your decision might not feel possible at this point. It’s often easier to remain on the surface than to delve into what we can’t see clearly below it. You might face tough emotions like fear, doubt, stress, or anxiety that reinforce your thoughts on abortion. You might also find uncertainty, conflicting emotions, or gain a different perspective about having an abortion. You could reveal inner desires to continue a pregnancy, or find ways to handle potential feelings after an abortion.
With any important decision in life, digging deeper into your options can help you make a decision that feels right for you. Dig deeper into your decision by learning more information about abortion, as well as options of adopting and parenting. Get the full picture of all your options to make an informed decision. Gaining more information could deepen your understanding about what an abortion could look like for you personally. A pregnancy decision is ultimately yours to make, and it will affect you most directly. It is a decision that no one can make for you, and deserves a deeper look.
Dig deeper into your options with a free pregnancy consultation at Avenue Women’s Center. Our expert client advocates will discuss information about all of your options, including abortion. We provide a confidential and nonjudgmental atmosphere for each woman to address her personalized and unique pregnancy decision concerns. Get the accurate and reliable information you need to take the next steps in your decision. Call, text, chat, or email us today for your free appointment!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.