As the weather warms up, do you find yourself dreaming of a vacation? Maybe you’re lucky enough to be boarding a plane, settling into a hotel room, or- ideally- lounging on a beach at this very moment. No matter how wonderful your holiday plans or physical surroundings may be, you’re probably not enjoying yourself if you’ve just discovered an unexpected pregnancy. Perhaps you’re feeling isolated and scared when the purpose of your vacation is to experience the opposite. Hang in there. Your circumstances may feel shocking and overwhelming right now, but you’re not alone in this.
An unexpected pregnancy test result can seem to darken even the best of times. However, this feeling doesn’t have to last. It’s possible to process your difficult news and eventually pursue your own best outcome, no matter where you find yourself today. Our expert staff at Avenue Women’s Center is available to partner with you in that journey. We’re a limited medical clinic that offers free early pregnancy support, with the goal of helping women make the most informed and confident decisions possible when they’re ready to.
Learn more about our free and confidential first-step pregnancy services!
Never a “Good Time”
A vacation is supposed to be fun and relaxing. Taking a holiday can be a major investment of time, money, and resources. Perhaps you’ve been needing an escape from the stress of everyday life for a while, and now it feels like this pregnancy has ruined your break in a cruel twist of fate. Fear and frustration would be natural emotions to experience under circumstances like these. Coping with an unexpected pregnancy almost always involves a process of grieving what might have been.
Is there ever a “good time” to become aware of an unexpected pregnancy? No. Is this an especially bad time? Maybe so. If you’ve just made this discovery while on vacation, your situation is bound to include some unique challenges. Unless you’re having a staycation, you’re likely away from home and outside the boundaries of your normal routine and environment. You may not have access to the same supportive individuals and resources that you typically would. Perhaps you’re with people who you’d rather not share your pregnancy news with, so you’re feeling emotionally isolated and afraid of them noticing a change in your mood. Know that it’s going to be okay. You have what it takes to cope well and move forward with courage when the time is right. Your story is far from over!
Truths to Reflect On
As you navigate the days ahead, keep these important truths in mind.
- You’re not alone, even if it feels like you are. Our emotions are real and valid, but they don’t always represent the full picture. Hopefully, you have access to at least one caring person who can offer emotional and practical support during this season of life. (If you can’t think of anyone, or even if you can, consider reaching out to a resource like Avenue Women’s Center.) It’s okay to get a little creative with communication while you’re away from home. Many women feel better after confiding in someone they trust. Sometimes it’s healthiest to take that step sooner rather than later, even if it means having a hard conversation over a phone or video call.
- Chances are, you don’t have to rush into a pregnancy decision. It’s critical to let your emotions settle and to access support before deciding on abortion, adoption, or parenting. You likely have time to return home, connect with your loved ones, and explore your options and resources before a choice needs to be made. The abortion pill is generally the most time-limited of a woman’s pregnancy options. It’s FDA-approved through ten weeks of pregnancy, and surgical abortion is possible long after that point.
- You’re capable of finding and following your best path with courage. You have the ability to find your own best pregnancy outcome. Build yourself a strong foundation of reliable information and caring support, so this path can be made clear to you. Remember your personal strengths, and know that you’re uniquely equipped for the road ahead.
Even if it feels like your support system is limited right now, our compassionate team at Avenue Women’s Center can help. We have five limited medical clinics in Chicagoland, and we offer virtual consultations as well. Getting in touch with us is quick and easy. You can contact us by phone, text, email, chat, or by self-scheduling. We guarantee you’ll be met with warmth and professionalism when you reach out.
Schedule an appointment today!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.