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Discovering Peace of Mind During an Unexpected Pregnancy

Life is messy.  There’s no avoiding that.  It’s not surprising, then, that ‘peace of mind’ seems very elusive to most people.  Even when things feel relatively steady and normal, it just doesn’t come naturally to the majority of us.  Maybe you’re walking through a particularly stressful season right now, having recently discovered an unexpected pregnancy.  Finding inner peace in the middle of these circumstances may seem like an impossible goal.  But it is possible to develop a healthy mental and emotional outlook, no matter what you’re facing.

If you’re coping with an unexpected pregnancy, and you’re looking for peace of mind (and a positive outcome), Avenue Women’s Center is here to navigate this pregnancy journey by your side.  We’re a first-step pregnancy clinic with six locations in Chicagoland.  Our expert staff is passionate about providing free services with excellence.  We believe every woman should be given every opportunity to make an informed and confident choice for abortion, adoption, or parenting.

Learn more about Avenue!  We’ve been providing free practical and emotional support to individuals, couples, and families since 1981!

A Culture of Busyness

Do you feel immersed in a culture that encourages busyness?  I sure do.  Maybe it seems like others’ expectations for you (or your expectations for yourself) are creating a lot of tension in your life.  We also live in a world where each digital notification or pop-up is specifically designed to capture our interest.  With so many things competing for our attention and overstimulating us- not to mention the stress of an unexpected pregnancy- how could it be possible to discover peace of mind?

Pursuing Inner Peace

After discovering that you’re unexpectedly pregnant, you may be feeling anything but calm.  And yet, when it comes to the pregnancy decision-making process, your state of mind matters significantly.  It’s really important to step forward feeling confident, equipped, and well-supported.  Taking on this posture will likely empower you to make your own best pregnancy choice with no regrets.  True, all of this may be much easier said than done.  But pursuing inner peace is one of several ways you can move toward this healthy mindset.  Here are a few tips from Verywell Mind to help you along this journey.

“Reframe Your Negative Thoughts.”

Don’t let your inner critic speak unchecked.  Be intentional about examining your thoughts from a more positive perspective.  For example: “I may not be perfect, but I am resilient and capable of meeting this challenge.”

“Accept Things You Can’t Change.”

This can be really tough to do and will probably take some time.  But the only alternative is not accepting circumstances that can’t be changed- which won’t help you find a solution or peace of mind.

“Don’t Link Your Happiness to External Circumstances.”

Remember that inner peace is something you need to cultivate within yourself.  As counterintuitive as it may seem, joy, gratitude, and peace don’t depend on your circumstances.

“Practice Self-Care.”

According to Verywell Mind, it’s important to care for your physical, emotional, social, intellectual, spiritual, and personal needs to discover and maintain peace of mind.

Your journey toward peace of mind will be unique.  In some ways, it will probably be a lifelong process.  That’s okay!  Inner peace is always worth pursuing, no matter what emotions you’re feeling or what circumstances you’re facing.  Many people find it really helpful to seek support from a mental healthcare provider.  For some, faith and spirituality play a central role in the pursuit of inner peace.  Although peace of mind is something that can be pursued, it isn’t performance-driven.  Some may perceive it more as a gift from a Higher Being.

After discovering an unexpected pregnancy, many people feel a sense of urgency to choose a path, hoping to resolve a difficult situation as soon as possible.  It’s vital to take a step back and a deep breath rather than make a rushed decision.  Allow this news to sink, learn what you can, and pursue peace of mind along the way.  Remember, most women have time to carefully consider all their pregnancy options before some of those options become unavailable.  Our services at Avenue can help clarify how much time you have and what possibilities are open to you.  We’re a no-judgment zone, here to offer emotional support no matter which way you’re leaning or where this road leads. 

Reach out to speak with a caring team member and schedule an appointment!  Avenue Women’s Center provides no-cost medical-grade pregnancy tests, options consultations, limited medical ultrasounds, and more!



Verywell Mind.  (2023, March).  Peace of Mind: How to Find and Keep It.  Retrieved from:

The information provided here is general in nature.  It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center.  If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention.  Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.