When faced with a difficult circumstance, it can be so easy to let the weight of the situation fall on our shoulders and bring us down. We might look at the obstacle or difficulty in our path and shrink at the magnitude of it, agreeing with that nagging voice that says, “You can’t do this, you’re not strong enough, there’s no way you can take this on…” Maybe your difficult situation is an unexpected pregnancy, and you are believing the little voice that is saying you can’t figure this out.
If you’re having doubts about your capabilities to get through this, we’re here for you. Avenue Women’s Center is a first-step pregnancy center with locations throughout Chicagoland. We specialize in pregnancy consultations and listening to your concerns and questions, and providing a safe and welcoming atmosphere for you to process and find answers.
Call, chat, email, or text us today to schedule your consultation.
You Don’t Have to Process Alone
Sometimes facing something as emotional and potentially stressful as an unexpected pregnancy by yourself can lead to some negative perceptions about your ability to see yourself through this. It can be easy to let the what-ifs and the unknowns crash in on your thinking and feeling, leading you to experience high levels of anxiety and uncertainty at this time. But, the great news is, you don’t have to process these things alone. Some things are too big to be kept a secret from those closest to us who support and love us. If you feel like there’s nobody you can tell, consider a therapist, faith leader, or confidential, neutral third party like a pregnancy consultant.
Putting Those Doubts in Their Place
We’re here to tell you, “you’ve got this!” When in a place of anxiety, stress, or even panic, our sights tend to narrow and those negative emotions and processes take place over what is true. If you’re having trouble seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, it’s time to remind yourself of your capabilities! Having a refreshed perspective on what you can do and what you’ve overcome and come out on the other side of can be so helpful when facing a new, challenging situation.
Making a List of Your Strengths and Successes
As you think about your values, your strengths, and all you’ve overcome throughout your life, don’t sell yourself short! Even if you think the things you’re proud of are small, write them down! Encourage yourself, remembering that you are strong and you are capable of making empowered, wise, courageous decisions when faced with difficulties.
Taking Courageous Steps Forward
When you’ve fixed your gaze on what is true, you can move forward to find information, resources, and support. Figuring out which pregnancy options align with your values, dreams, and goals and considering how each of your options makes you feel is a good step. Then, getting started with necessary services and care comes next!
Remember, don’t sell yourself short! You’ve come out on the other side of difficult situations stronger, and you can now, too. As you grapple with what pregnancy decision to make, we’re here for you. Our services and resources are confidential and free to make saying yes to courageous decisions easier for you. We hope to see you soon!
Schedule your appointment with us today!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.