We’ve all had those moments when our minds draw a complete blank. A question we didn’t know the answer to, something made us forget what we were going to say, or we’re just too overwhelmed to think clearly. I’ve even walked into a room and couldn’t remember why, my thoughts interrupting my steps along the way. Eventually, we often fill in the blank as our memory brings back the missing information, or we find our voice and speak up. Other times, the blankness can leave us feeling lost and searching for answers. Women may feel this way when they unexpectedly face a pregnancy decision, uncertain about what to do next. How can you fill in the blanks and learn more about your pregnancy options?
At Avenue Women’s Center, we understand that an unexpected pregnancy can often catch you off guard. If you’re drawing a blank in your pregnancy decision, find answers at Avenue Women’s Center. Each of our client advocates can help fill in the blanks about your pregnancy options with accurate information you can trust. We offer free and private pregnancy consultations at each of our centers throughout Chicagoland. Address your individual concerns and questions in a nonjudgmental and understanding atmosphere. Call, text, chat, or email us today and learn more!
Drawing a Blank in a Pregnancy Decision
A lot of people draw a blank when they feel pressured, stressed, scared, or filled with anxiety. Maybe you’re interviewing for a dream job or taking an important test. What if it was a pregnancy test? As the positive result appeared, your mind drew a blank about the next steps. If this sounds similar, it might be comforting to know that you aren’t alone. An unexpected pregnancy can be surprising for many women. The news can comes as a shock, and it has you drawing a complete blank about your decision ahead. You feel torn between your options of parenting, adoption, or abortion. You might feel outside pressure from loved ones or your partner to consider one option over others, or an inner pressure rushing you to hurry up and decide.
Yet, inside your mind comes to a grinding halt of utter blankness. You’re overwhelmed and uncertain, unable to see past the blank space in your thoughts and make a pregnancy decision.
Filling in the Blanks About Your Pregnancy Options
It’s okay if you don’t have all the answers to fill in your blanks just yet. It can be helpful to take a breather and pause to let the news of your pregnancy sink in. You don’t (and shouldn’t) need to rush your pregnancy decision by figuring everything out right from the start. Your initial feelings with the surprise of being pregnant might change or become conflicted. However, your options may be affected by far along your pregnancy is (or the gestation age), especially if you are considering the option of abortion.
Sometimes a shift in perspective can help clear up a blank spot of our minds. Ease the stress of drawing a blank by trying to think of it as an empty canvas or a completely clear page. A blank page can be exciting or daunting, depending on how you’re feeling and what you’re facing at the time. If you’re unexpectedly pregnant, you might fill the page with worries and doubts—and possibly even several more pages as well. While it can be good to recognize your concerns, it can also increase any anxieties or fear about your pregnancy decision. You might also fill the blank page with one giant question mark of uncertainty.
Instead, imagine you have a different empty page for each pregnancy option of parenting, adoption, or abortion. Fill in the blanks of these pages with your thoughts and feelings about each pregnancy option. Next, picture how each option could look for your personal life situation. What are the possibilities that give you hope? What are the challenges that might be discouraging you? What are possible solutions to each challenge? List any and all questions you have about parenting, adoption, or abortion and begin to seek the answers. Look up information to educate yourself. Speak with a trusted loved one or a counselor about your unique feelings and thoughts. Or, talk to an expert at a local woman’s center like Avenue to learn more. Before you decide, begin filling in the blanks with information about your pregnancy options.
Avenue Women’s Center is here to help! Begin filling in the blanks by learning accurate and reliable information about parenting, adoption, or abortion during a free pregnancy consultation with one of our expert client advocates. Each woman is welcomed with a private, confidential, and secure environment at any of our five locations in DuPage County. We care about providing you with insight into your pregnancy options while addressing your unique and personalized concerns. Contact us today to set up your free appointment or walk into any of our local clinics!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.