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Facing a Drug Relapse During an Unexpected Pregnancy

Overcoming an addiction can be a challenging process. A journey toward recovery often takes time. Your current situation might have left you feeling unprepared for an unexpected pregnancy. Perhaps you’ve felt yourself beginning to relapse. How might this impact your pregnancy? You may be worried about how your addiction might interfere with your pregnancy’s health. Recovery often comes in stages. Coping with being pregnant during a relapse can be difficult if done alone. Where can you go to seek help?

It’s okay to ask for assistance if you’re facing a relapse during your unexpected pregnancy. Avenue Women’s Center understands your unique situation. Our six Chicagoland locations provide free, nonjudgmental pregnancy services. Our expert client advocates can sit down with you for a private conversation about your options. We offer reliable information about abortion, adoption, and parenting to help you better understand your choices. Receive limited medical services and a confidential consultation to begin taking your next steps in a pregnancy decision.  

Contact us today for compassionate support during your pregnancy at no cost!

What Can I Do If I Suffer a Drug Relapse While I’m Pregnant?

Addiction can be a scary thing. It can feel as if you’re losing control when it reemerges. You might be feeling frustrated right now. Try to remember that you’re not alone in your addiction. Plenty of people have been where you are before. Going through a relapse does not mean recovery is beyond your reach.

It’s normal to feel embarrassed or ashamed if you feel yourself sliding back into old habits. Being pregnant may have also heightened some of your emotions. It’s understandable if you’ve found yourself feeling very vulnerable and worried.

Women who find themselves in the middle of a relapse can feel conflicted. There may be periods of denial and isolation. Finding the motivation to take care of yourself can also be a challenge. These symptoms might have attached themselves to your pregnancy journey.

You may be uncertain about how to pull yourself out of this setback. It can be difficult to do this on your own. An unexpected pregnancy and the reappearance of addiction can lead to a lot of voices whispering in your ear. This can lead to feeling like there’s an inner battle taking place inside.

Equipped to Face an Addiction Relapse

Perhaps you’ve had thoughts like these:

  • “I only plan to just take a little bit. It won’t hurt me.”
  • “If I start using again, then I’m not meant to continue the pregnancy.”
  • “How is my health right now?”
  • “Do I have a list of things that inspire me to stay sober?”
  • “Who can help me work through all of my thoughts and anxieties?”
  • “What choices do I have for my unexpected pregnancy?”

This is why it’s recommended you gather a supportive community behind you.

Have you reached out to your friends and family? Are you part of a 12-step program? Do you have a sponsor you can call? Who have you spoken to about your pregnancy? Have you talked to a healthcare provider or a pregnancy consultant?

Thinking about your pregnancy options while working through a relapse may involve a lot of self-reflection. Admitting to the reappearance of a problem and committing yourself to recovery is a good first step.

Gathering Support for Your Next Steps

Regaining your sense of confidence can be important. You do not have to make an unexpected pregnancy decision until you feel ready. You have time to work on yourself and prioritize your health. Please note this is not a path you must venture down alone. Support is available to help guide you through your journey.

Are you worried about being pregnant while going through a relapse? Avenue Women’s Center will partner with you within a confidential environment. We care deeply about helping you access the care you need. Our expert pregnancy consultants will meet with you for a free appointment. This will allow us to learn more about your unique situation. We’ll talk you through all of the possible pregnancy outcomes – abortion, adoption, and parenting – and listen to any of your valid concerns. If you have questions about treatment programs or other medical services, we can supply you with referrals.  

Schedule your consultation appointment to begin speaking with us today!



The information provided here is general in nature.  It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center.  If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention.  Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.