Maybe you’ve always struggled with low self-esteem, or it’s been triggered by a recent challenge you’ve faced. It may be a general sense or a feeling of insufficiency that centers on something specific you dislike about yourself. Most of us would probably acknowledge that we’ve dealt with low self-esteem at some point, in some form. It’s a feeling that’s familiar to humankind. And yet, self-esteem tends to be understood and defined in a lot of different ways.
I believe that cultivating healthy self-esteem goes far beyond believing that you’re smart, pretty, or capable of success. It means so much more than simply feeling good about yourself. Self-esteem is about recognizing your inherent value despite your struggles and imperfections. After all, to be human is to be imperfect and yet valuable. Developing positive self-esteem is a lifelong growing process.
Self-esteem is all about how a person views herself, which is bound to impact how she views the challenges and decisions she’s wrestling with. Perhaps an unexpected pregnancy is one significant life challenge you’re coping with today. If so, Avenue Women’s Center is here for you. We’re a first-step pregnancy center with a mission to equip women for informed, empowered pregnancy decisions. Supporting self-esteem growth is often an important part of that process.
Learn about Avenue’s no-cost early pregnancy services!
Knowledge, Support, Self-Esteem, and Decision-Making are Linked
Anyone facing an unexpected pregnancy has three options available to her: abortion, adoption, and parenting. Every person is capable of making her own best choice, but many begin their pregnancy journeys feeling discouraged and overwhelmed rather than strong. Avenue Women’s Center is here to provide reliable information and caring support in the middle of these stressful circumstances. We believe information and support have the power to grow confidence and self-esteem, which can lead to a pregnancy choice that’s grounded in strengths rather than insecurities.
How Can Avenue Women’s Center Help?
Caring connection. When you reach out to Avenue, we’ll connect you with a compassionate pregnancy consultant whose role is to educate and encourage. Avenue is a no-pressure, no- judgment zone. We genuinely care, and we’re here to support you no matter where your pregnancy journey leads. Speaking with an advocate may help you feel less alone and more cared for, which may positively impact your self-esteem. All services are completely confidential.
Practical early pregnancy services. Avenue’s free first-step pregnancy services include lab-quality pregnancy tests, limited medical ultrasounds, options consultations, and more! Every pregnancy is unique, and learning about your pregnancy may clarify your next best steps. For example, an ultrasound can tell you how far along you are (which will help determine which pregnancy options are safe), and whether your pregnancy is likely to end on its own. We’re also here to provide accurate information on all the pregnancy options available to you… the real risks and processes involved with each. Again, feeling fully informed can help you navigate this road with greater confidence.
Assistance with resources. Avenue can help you connect with a wide variety of resources in your community, including practical resources- like financial assistance, housing help, professional counseling, etc. Chances are, there are more resources available in your area than you realize, and some of them could help you lean into your pregnancy decision with added confidence. They’re there to enrich your life no matter your personal pregnancy outcome.
Cultivating positive self-esteem may be a healing journey that stretches beyond this stressful time. Our caring staff at Avenue Women’s Center is available to help you take steps toward long-term emotional healing, while offering practical, prompt care to lift your self-esteem in support of a confident pregnancy decision.
Contact Avenue Women’s Center to schedule an appointment today!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.