February was Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, but violence happens all the time in teen dating relationships. This is always an important topic. Maybe you think you may be in an unsafe relationship, or may know someone who is. It’s possible that you’re not really sure about this. According to One Love, 57% of individuals surveyed said that dating violence is hard to identify (VAWnet). If you’re scared that your partner will hurt you for any reason, or if there’s any question of whether or not your partner may be abusive, these are definitely red flags to pay attention to. Read on to discover how you can respond in a self-empowering way, while protecting the single most important factor in this whole situation: your safety and wellness.
If you’re a teen or young adult who’s coping with an unexpected pregnancy, and you feel unsafe in your relationship, reach out to Avenue Women’s Center. We’re an early pregnancy clinic and a truly safe space to process your circumstances while contemplating your next steps. Our compassionate team of expert consultants and nurses is available to provide accurate information and caring support at no cost.
Learn more about our free, confidential pregnancy services at Avenue!
Teen Dating Violence: Important Facts to Consider
- Unhealthy dynamics and abusive dynamics are two different things, but there can be an overlap between them. Check out the Love Like That Action Guide to explore examples of how these can compare and contrast with each other.
- Love is so much more than a feeling. Genuine love will always include respect.
- Teen dating violence (TDV) can happen to anyone. It can appear in various forms, “including verbal, emotional, physical, sexual, and digital, and the experience of TDV may have both immediate and long-term effects on young people.” (VAWnet).
- TDV is common. According to VAWnet, 1 in 3 high school students will experience physical or sexual violence (or both) within a dating relationship.
Facing an Abusive Relationship and an Unexpected Pregnancy
If you’re facing a teen pregnancy and feeling scared that your partner will harm you, your situation may include many different dynamics- all of them painful. Maybe you’re afraid that your partner will hurt you just for getting pregnant. Maybe you’re concerned that he’ll respond with violence if you make a pregnancy decision (for abortion, adoption, or parenting) that he doesn’t agree with. Perhaps abuse or mistreatment is a “normal” pattern in your relationship, even when you’re not managing an unexpected pregnancy.
No kind of abuse is ever okay or truly normal. Abuse is dangerous in every form, under any and all circumstances. However, if you’re coping with a violent relationship and an unexpected pregnancy simultaneously, you’re likely facing some particular challenges. You’re probably managing an increased amount of stress (as though either of these situations wasn’t stressful enough on its own) and a lack of support. You may worry that your partner’s behavior will influence your pregnancy decision in an unhealthy way. But the single greatest concern is your personal safety. You need real support from a trustworthy source. And you need it right away.
Getting Help
Know that you’re not alone! There are resources available to you, both for your abusive or unhealthy relationship and your unexpected pregnancy. Reaching out for help can be a difficult step to take, especially if you’re doing it for the first time. It can feel scary or risky. But the value of getting caring and genuine support cannot be overstated. Your value as a person cannot be overstated either. You are fully, completely, entirely worthy of real, respectful love.
*If you think you may be in a violent relationship, reach out to the National Domestic Violence Hotline. You can do this by going online or dialing 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).
*Teen dating violence is a complex and critical topic. This blog has barely scratched the surface. If you need additional support, seek information and resources from reliable sources. An article from the Office of Family Violence Prevention and Services (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) includes links to resources such as the Love Like That Action Guide by Love is Respect. It offers helpful tips for expressing and receiving love in your own unique way, loving yourself well, understanding consent and healthy boundaries, and much more.
Avenue Women’s Center is here to support you as you navigate your pregnancy journey as well! Our free services include lab-quality pregnancy tests, options consultations, limited medical ultrasounds, and more. We’re passionate about empowering women facing the hardest of circumstances to make the most informed and confident pregnancy decisions possible while prioritizing their own health.
Reach out to Avenue today! You’ll be met with warmth and authentic care, never judgment.
*If you believe your safety or someone else’s may be at risk, call 911 or contact local law enforcement.
*Avenue Women’s Center is a limited medical clinic that provides certain first-step pregnancy services. We do not offer professional counseling and we are not a domestic violence shelter. We can provide information on resources for individuals who think they may be in an abusive relationship.
Love is Respect. (2024). Love Like That Action Guide 2024. Retrieved from: https://www.loveisrespect.org/wp-content/uploads/media/sites/3/2024/01/2024-TDVAM-Action-Guide.pdf
Office of Family Violence Prevention and Services (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). (2024, February). 2024 Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM). Retrieved from: https://www.acf.hhs.gov/ofvps/teen-dating-violence-awareness-month-tdvam#:~:text=February%20is%20Teen%20Dating%20Violence,relationships%20and%20teen%20dating%20abuse
VAWnet (A Project of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence). (2019, January). Preventing and Responding to Teen Dating Violence. Retrieved from: https://vawnet.org/sc/preventing-and-responding-teen-dating-violence
VAWnet (A Project of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence). Teen Dating Violence: The Epidemic. Retrieved from: https://vawnet.org/sc/teen-dating-violence-epidemic
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.