Most of us have experienced that gnawing, nagging emotion called guilt. And it often doesn’t come alone—it brings things like remorse, sorrow, and shame. You can feel guilty about something you’ve done, and even about something you’re only thinking about doing. What if you’re feeling guilty for considering an abortion in an unexpected pregnancy situation? Or if you’ve already had an abortion and guilt has a stronghold on you afterwards?
If you’re wrestling with guilt in a decision about abortion, you aren’t alone. Avenue Women’s Center is here to support women with our completely free and nonjudgmental pregnancy decision services. We offer private consultations to discuss your unique concerns and learn accurate information about each of your pregnancy options, including abortion. Our expert pregnancy consultants care about helping you take the first steps of your decision. Contact us for your free appointment at one of our five Chicagoland locations!
Feeling Guilty for Thinking About Abortion
Abortion can be a tough option to consider for many women facing unexpected pregnancies. They might feel guilty for even thinking about a possible abortion, with several tough questions flooding their mind. Are you making a permanent decision based on temporary circumstances? Is this a decision you’ll later regret? One of the toughest questions is asking yourself why you’re feeling a sense of guilt. It could be outside pressure from your partner or loved ones. It could also be stemming from your own personal beliefs or faith system. It’s important to understand the cause and what this feeling is trying to tell you. Feeling guilty for thinking about an abortion can often be insightful of what you might experience afterwards—a sort of inner warning system. If you’re struggling to move forward in your decision, look into the root of your uncertainty.
Get help before you decide about abortion. Do you have a person in your life you know you can trust to confide in? A close friend or a family member with your best interests at heart? Or perhaps a counselor, therapist, or spiritual leader? Is there a pregnancy decision center in your area? Speak up about how you’re feeling and what it could mean for a decision about abortion.
Feeling Guilt After an Abortion
Some women are confident and certain that an abortion is right for them. However, for those that feel a sense of guilt after an abortion, it can be difficult to move forward. A guilt trip isn’t always about someone else trying to manipulate you. It can be a nasty trip you take yourself on. The ripple effect of guilt can be far-reaching into your thoughts, emotions, and your life choices. By the end of this rough emotional journey you feel awful about yourself, and it can even lead to depression. Some women might stuff guilt deep down, burying it instead of facing it. But it can be a stubborn emotion when left to its own devices—sometimes without realizing its full effects until much later. If you’re feeling guilt after having an abortion, focus on what you can do now instead of looking back on an experience you can’t change.
Reach out for help after an abortion. Talk about your abortion experience with someone you feel safe being open and honest with. While this might be a close person in your life, they may just be a starting point to working through your feelings of guilt. It can be hard to show painful emotions with someone who cares about you. It can also be difficult for them to fully understand and empathize—whether they have experienced an abortion personally or not. Everyone handles abortion differently and in their own way. Seek help from a source that specializes in post-abortion emotional recovery, such as Restore After Abortion. The next steps you take could be toward your personal healing.
Going into any choice with guilt can feel overwhelming, let alone a decision about abortion. Let Avenue Women’s Center support your next steps forward with accurate, reliable, and nonjudgmental information about all of your pregnancy options, including abortion. We understand that every woman’s situation is different, and we provide a confidential space to receive pregnancy consulting services targeted to your unique concerns. As you navigate your decision, we are here with compassionate support. Reach out for your free options consultation today in Elmhurst, Glen Ellyn / Lombard, Naperville, West Chicago, or Wood Dale, Illinois.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.