Have you ever found yourself heading in the wrong direction? Knowing the right path to take can be difficult and sometimes we find out that we ended up somewhere we never wanted to be. What can we do to re-direct ourselves? I’ll share some experiences from my sister, Barb, and her husband Ron, in today’s article.
Avenue Women’s Center is a clinic that has been serving women facing unplanned pregnancy for over 36 years. We understand that sometimes pregnancy can make you feel “off course.” We are here to help. We provide services such as medical grade pregnancy tests and pregnancy consultations at no cost to you. If you are unexpectedly pregnant and would like to discuss getting back on track, contact us today.
My sister Barb decided drive to Chicago to spend some time with family and her husband Ron would stay in Florida. It would be good to see family and friends and get away from the high humidity that Floridians are familiar with. After Barb arrived in Chicago she received a call from police less than 24 hours later. They had picked up Ron driving in the opposite direction of oncoming traffic on the expressway at night without any lights. He was quite confused and had to get assistance to turn off his car. He was taken to the hospital until they could evaluate him and Barb could get back from Chicago to see him.
Once Barb arrived in Florida more details came to unfold as she spoke to the police officers. Apparently a man had seen Ron driving on the wrong side of the expressway. He turned around and followed him, blinking his lights and beeping his horn to make the other drivers aware of this. This unidentified man had also called the police and let them know what was happening. As he waited for the police to arrive he kept following Ron and warning others of the approaching danger. Soon, five officers arrived and were able to get Ron pulled over to the side and safely out of the car. Ron was later diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and is no longer able to drive.
This story reminds me that there are times in my own life when a wrong turn was made. Not necessarily always a physical turn, but a choice that put me on the wrong path in life. The message received from society promises fun if we do what we want, but sometimes what we get in return is loneliness, and a lack of peace. We falsely believe we can muster up enough strength to get through the tough times on our own. We don’t need anyone. But that isn’t the case. Just like Ron, we often need those around us to help us find our way.
An unplanned pregnancy often feels like the wrong direction. Our hopes and plans for the future suddenly come into question. We may feel like we’ve taken a step back. Avenue Women’s Center is here to help. We have supported many women through the process of making a pregnancy decision over the past 36 years. Your situation is unique and we are here to listen to your concerns, provide helpful information and resources, and nonjudgmental care. Contact us today for a free consultation. We look forward to helping you find your next step.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.