Would you describe your unexpected pregnancy situation as, “complicated”? If so, you’re definitely not alone. But if you’re considering abortion because of a relationship concern, you may be feeling especially anxious about the future. Perhaps you’re leaning in this direction because you think your partner would be an absent father, your family doesn’t like him, he’s not the father, or you’re navigating this pregnancy with a broken heart. You might hope to be a mom one day, under a different set of circumstances. Or, maybe you’re already a parent, and you can’t imagine having another kid while in this difficult position. This can be an emotionally painful place to find yourself in. Know that there’s compassionate care available right around the corner.
Avenue Women’s Center is here for you. We’re a first-step pregnancy clinic that’s been helping individuals navigate difficult pregnancy decisions since 1981. Our expert and caring pregnancy consultants offer a nonjudgmental space to talk through your emotions and figure out what pregnancy decision is best for you. Learn more about your pregnancy options today and process your unique questions and concerns.
Call, chat, email, or text us today to schedule your appointment!
A Hard Place to Find Yourself
You probably expected to have the support of your partner if you ever found yourself in this situation. But if you’re experiencing relationship challenges, that may no longer be the case. Maybe you would think about parenting as a pregnancy option if the circumstances were different. As your relationship has gotten more complicated, your feelings about this pregnancy have likely shifted. Perhaps you’re not sure what you think or how you feel, you’re confused about your next steps, or you’re having a difficult time focusing on your pregnancy decision during a period of heartache. Relationship stress can affect our decision-making skills and impact how we function in our daily lives. It can be helpful to take a breather and slow things down to calm any possible racing thoughts or emotions.
Choosing the Path That’s Right for You
Abortion has probably crossed your mind as a potential solution if you’re having doubts about your relationship and your ability to continue the pregnancy. With any of your three options (abortion, adoption, or parenting), the way you feel about your choice afterward will depend on how well your decision matches your specific needs. Ask yourself if abortion would align with your personal feelings and beliefs. Keep in mind that a pregnancy decision is ultimately yours to make, and one that will affect you most directly. Regardless of how your relationship plays a role in your decision-making process, it’s important that you choose a path you can feel good about not just currently, but in the future as well. To determine what it is you truly want, you may want to speak with a counselor or a pregnancy consultant before you move forward.
Early Pregnancy Services Can Help, No Matter Where Things Stand With Your Partner
A first-step pregnancy clinic like Avenue Women’s Center can offer the supportive services you need, at no cost! Before moving forward with an abortion or any other pregnancy option, it’s important to learn about your pregnancy and all the avenues available to you. An ultrasound can determine what options you’re eligible for, based on the age and condition of your pregnancy. Avenue provides free medical-grade pregnancy tests, along with limited medical ultrasounds and pregnancy consultations. During a consultation, you’ll have an opportunity to speak with a caring and knowledgeable staff member about the ins and outs of all your pregnancy options. Our consultants can also provide information on community resources. At Avenue, we’re all about pairing practical assistance with ongoing, compassionate support.
Strength in Community
During pregnancy consultations, our staff often talks with women about building a strong support system. Perhaps there’s someone in your life (besides your partner), or people you haven’t met quite yet, who could navigate this journey by your side. It’s up to you whether or not you feel comfortable and safe speaking with your partner about the pregnancy options you’re considering. If you choose to have this conversation with him, consider asking him what emotions he’s processing and how he envisions the future. Whether or not you decide to have this dialogue, you should never feel pressure to move in any particular direction due to a shortage of information or support. By empowering yourself with knowledge and a community of supporters, you can confidently step into this important decision. You’re a resilient woman who’s probably overcome a lot of obstacles. Depend on your strengths, and the strengths of caring people around you, to choose a path that feels like your best fit.
There’s a lot to consider concerning this situation. It is, without a doubt, a tough place to be in. It’s important to take your time and slow down your thought process before committing to any decision. Chances are, you want the very best for yourself, your loved ones, and the family you may have someday. That’s natural! But maybe it seems like none of the options in front of you will lead to the future you’d imagined. Avenue Women’s Center is here to help. Regardless of your unique circumstances or which pregnancy option(s) you’re leaning toward, you deserve to feel supported and well-informed!
Reach out to Avenue and learn more about our free and confidential services!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.