A young woman facing an unexpected pregnancy may feel scared or anxious, and may be in need of support. If this young woman is your daughter, it may be difficult to approach the situation objectively, as your desire to make the choice that seems best for her may compete with your desire to help her feel secure. The way that you respond and engage with her is important. Ineffective communication can have consequences, as your daughter likely needs all of the support you can give her, and you do not want her to close herself off from you. So, how do you talk to your daughter about her unexpected pregnancy in a way that is healthy and beneficial?
Is your daughter facing a decision regarding an unexpected pregnancy? Located at six different centers throughout DuPage County, Avenue Women’s Center offers free options consultation in a private, nonjudgmental atmosphere. Our pregnancy consultants are here to address your unique concerns to equip your daughter in making an informed decision you both can feel good about. Contact us today to schedule a free appointment!
Talking to your Daughter about her Unexpected Pregnancy
1. Listen: Your daughter telling you the news of her pregnancy can be surprising, but consider how your response will affect her. Remember she has come to you as her parent for help, and you want her to know you love her unconditionally so she does not turn to a destructive source for support. As you engage in the conversation, be mindful of your body language and your tone, as this plays a key part in communication. It is helpful to be attentive to her feelings and the emotions she expresses, as you want her to feel heard so she will seek you out for advice in the future.
2. Validate Feelings: Allow the conversation to focus on her needs by communicating understanding so she knows she’s not alone. Leave space for her to fully express herself without talking over her or offering solutions. It may be tempting to bestow blame upon yourself or on her, but avoid falling into the trap of assigning fault. Bestowing blame often does not breed good results, and it is helpful for her to know you still care and you’re willing to walk beside her.
3. Don’t Be Forceful: There are probably a lot of things you want to tell her in this moment, and as her parent, that is only natural. But recognize that she may need time to process all of her options, and try not to become angry if she remains confused about what she should do. It may be wise to suggest she create a pro/con list that she can share with you so the two of you can make a plan together. If you feel you are not the only person she should be talking to, then gently suggest to her the possibility of seeking help from an expert at a local pregnancy center or perhaps a doctor or therapist who can offer her further guidance.
Let Avenue Women’s Center be a resource for you! If your daughter is in the midst of an unexpected pregnancy, we are here to offer free services and compassionate support. Receive more information regarding each of the pregnancy options – abortion, adoption, and parenting – in a confidential, non-judgmental environment. Our expert client advocates offer helpful support at no cost to you, and we’re here to help walk you and your daughter through the next steps. Contact us today!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.