People often find comfort in the familiarity of a routine. The stability of having a plan can make us feel more confident and focused. But sometimes, something big happens that throws us off balance, and causes us to feel anxious or uncertain. This can happen with an unexpected pregnancy, altering your initial plans and bringing about fears of what this sudden change may bring. Will you have to put your life on hold?
Are you feeling anxious about an unexpected pregnancy? Throughout our six locations in DuPage County, Avenue Women’s Center is committed to serving women through compassionate resources. You may have concerns about coping with the changes an unexpected pregnancy brings, but our caring pregnancy consultants are here to listen and answer any questions you may have. By taking the time to meet with you and understand your unique situation, our trained staff can provide you with reliable information about abortion, adoption, and parenting. You do not have to go through this alone, as Avenue is here to assist you. Contact us today to schedule a free appointment.
Setting Short Term Goals for Yourself
It’s normal to be concerned or have fears about putting your life on hold. An unexpected pregnancy can lead to reflections about what the future may bring. You may be wondering how a pregnancy may change your plans for school, or if it will lead to difficulties at work. It’s possible these fears have led you to consider abortion as an option, as you may be hesitant about carrying a pregnancy to term. You may be feeling overwhelmed because you don’t want to put your plans for the future on hold with this pregnancy, and abortion appears to offer a resolution to your situation.
Whether you are considering parenting, adoption, or abortion, there are usually no easy answers to an unexpected pregnancy. Each of your options comes with their own set of pros and cons, and it’s not necessarily the case that one choice brings more satisfaction than the others. The way each woman responds to an unexpected pregnancy often varies, and speaking with a trusted resource may help you find a pregnancy option that’s right for you.
It may be a good idea to start by setting up a series of short term goals for yourself. These small tasks that are easy to complete can help build confidence in yourself, and the additional activity can alleviate anxieties. Long term objectives can be handled later, as these can seem a bit more manageable once you have begun to outline a plan for yourself.
You may want to start small, as this way, you can begin to work your way up. Yes, there may be questions about how to adapt to an unexpected pregnancy while in school or while working a job, but forcing yourself to find answers right away may cause you to feel nervous. Try to reassure yourself by meeting the milestones you’ve set for yourself that may be a bit easier to handle.
What Are Some Healthy Short Term Goals to Set for Myself?
If there are feelings of panic about how to cope with school or work during an unexpected pregnancy, then it may be best to start with very simple tasks. When anxiety takes ahold of us, it can be difficult to feel motivated, but coaching ourselves throughout the day may encourage positive thinking.
No goal is too small! Try:
- “Okay, it’s morning. Let’s work on getting myself out of bed.”
- “Time to eat something now. I need my strength.”
Congratulate yourself any time you complete one of these tasks. Uplifting thoughts can make all of the difference during an unexpected pregnancy, and as your stress lessens, you may want to start talking yourself into completing other objectives. It may be best to start slow, as you do not want to push yourself too hard.
When you feel ready, you may want to begin asking yourself:
- “Should I share my pregnancy news with my partner, family, or a trusted adult?”
- “Is there someone I can talk to, such as a counselor, a spiritual leader, or a pregnancy consultant to help me through this or provide more information on my options?”
- “Before I commit to a pregnancy decision, should I have an ultrasound exam to determine its gestational age and rule out the risk of miscarriage? This may help me decide on a pregnancy option.”
Making a pregnancy decision can feel overwhelming and scary. When there are concerns that your life and plans for the future will be put on hold that can make it even more immobilizing. By focusing on small goals that can be completed now, you can pave the path forward to making a decision you can feel good about.
Avenue Women’s Center understands how an unexpected pregnancy can lead to worries about the future. Take your next step today by scheduling a free options consultation to receive expert information regarding your pregnancy options. Discuss your questions and concerns with our client advocates in a safe, nonjudgmental environment. We here to listen and provide help any way we can. Reach out today for compassionate support!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.