Receiving unexpected news you don’t particularly want can be a distressing experience. Maybe this news you’ve learned is that you’re unexpectedly pregnant, and you now face some difficult choices. If you’ve experienced miscarriage or an otherwise difficult pregnancy in the past, processing this one can be confusing and emotional. So, where do you turn when you’re unexpectedly pregnant and don’t want to face the possibility of a miscarriage?
Facing the possibility of miscarriage is difficult when pregnant, unexpectedly or not. If you feel alone and stuck in place as you try to process this news, Avenue Women’s Center is here for you. Our compassionate staff would love to offer you the space and time to process your emotions, worries, and questions. We’d also like to partner with you in support as you walk this difficult path.
Walk-in or schedule an appointment at a location near you today to receive compassionate care.
Facing the Past in Your Present
Perhaps this news takes you so off-guard because of a painful past experience with miscarriage. Sometimes this can be a very difficult experience to heal from and being pregnant again can cause those memories to resurface. Maybe your prior miscarriage was so difficult you can only think about how to keep yourself from experiencing the same pain again. This may be a good time to work through the pain of the past to start healing.
Options for Your Pregnancy
As you’re moving forward, considering your options can be hard if you’re operating from a place of worry or pain. You may find it helpful to discuss your plans with a medical professional, a trusted loved one, or another professional such as a pregnancy consultant. As you consider what choice to make, it’s important to gather all of the information you can before deciding. If you’re worried about miscarriage, discussing this possibility with your doctor and receiving an ultrasound exam to learn more about your pregnancy is an excellent step to take.
The Importance of Support
Hopefully, in the past, you had a strong support system to comfort and encourage you. If you didn’t or don’t now, you may find it helpful and healing to find a support group, reach out to a close friend, or talk with somebody such as a therapist or a faith leader. If you need resources, we’d love to get you connected. Sometimes knowing you have somebody who is willing to listen or who will be there in your time of need can be helpful to give you the strength you need to face whatever may come.
If you’re worried and uncertain about your unexpected pregnancy, you aren’t alone! Avenue Women’s Center has over 40 years of experience walking with women through difficult seasons and experiences and we’d love to walk with you.
Schedule a free pregnancy test and limited ultrasound exam at a location near you to get started.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.