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“I Don’t Know If I Can Handle Parenting as an Option”

As you look down at the positive lines on a pregnancy test, time seems to stand still. Panic may have surfaced as your mind instantly tries to work out a solution, with the shock of the situation making it easy for your thoughts to stray towards everything you may anticipate going wrong. There may be fears about how continuing the pregnancy could alter your future, and one of the first doubts that may have sprung to mind is your ability to be a parent. Financial concerns, the level of support from friends or family, education or career goals, and perhaps a feeling of lack of preparation for parenthood could all be influencing factors.  What do you do next when you are unsure if you can handle parenting?  

After learning about an unexpected pregnancy, it’s important to pause and breathe. Avenue Women’s Center understands the confusion of sorting through all of your unexpected pregnancy decisions, and we are here to clarify any questions you may have about abortion, adoption, and parenting. If you are concerned about your ability to handle parenting, our options consultations are designed to give you the information and resources you need to take your next step. Discuss your pregnancy options with our expert client advocates in a private, nonjudgmental environment. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and learn more about your unexpected pregnancy options!

Let Tomorrow Worry About Itself

Try to slow down a bit after confirming your unexpected pregnancy, as our minds tend to race years into the future when something happens to make us anxious. Even if we have no actual way of knowing how the upcoming days will play out, the thoughts we may tell ourselves in our head may construct a negative image of the future for us. While what we’re envisioning is entirely of our own vivid imagination, in times of stress, it’s easy to believe what we’ve told ourselves in our minds is real. Anxiety can be a powerful force, as not only does it usually make our hearts race, but it can attack our confidence if we fail to meet the unrealistic expectations it sets for us.

Concerns about being a parent in the future can immobilize us in the present. Don’t get swept away with thoughts of how things may be a few weeks or years from now. If you’re having trouble calming down after learning about an unexpected pregnancy, you may want to consider talking to someone. If you’re overwhelmed with the thought of being a parent, but know you need to make a decision regarding your pregnancy, it may be beneficial to speak to an outside source such as a school counselor, therapist, or pregnancy consultant. While it’s usually a good idea to have help from friends and family during an unexpected pregnancy, an unbiased forms of support can give you the opportunity to work through your anxiety with someone who is trained to listen.

Questions to Begin Pondering

Once you have access to a healthy network of assistance, it’s usually then that you may want to consider how to work through your options, and which choice seems most applicable to you. This can allow you to sort through everything with a clearer mind, and if you feel yourself becoming anxious again, then your support system can be there for you.

If your thoughts have begun to lean towards continuing the pregnancy, but you have concerns about being a parent, try writing down each one so you may begin to consider each of them individually.

When considering parenting, ask yourself:

  • If still in school, are there institutional options for accommodating the pregnancy?  
  • What laws exist to protect me from pregnancy discrimination at work, and what benefits am I entitled to?
  • How can I get assistance through my family, friends, or community groups in my area?
  • Are there any changes I may need to make to my life if I parent? Is there anything that can stay the same?

While it may not be easy, and sacrifices may be required in order to follow through with this unexpected pregnancy option, finding the choice that is right for you can come with its own rewards. No matter how impossible things may seem at first, these hard roads do not last forever and there are many resources available to help you succeed.

Contemplating and an unexpected pregnancy decision often takes time, and if you’re leaning towards parenting, but are struggling with feelings of uncertainty, Avenue Women’s Center can help. We offer clients the opportunity to discuss their pregnancy and freely ask questions about their options, providing women with necessary services and practical support. Our compassionate pregnancy consultants are waiting to speak with you! Call, chat, email, or text today to begin speaking with our expert staff today!


The information provided here is general in nature.  It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center.  If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention.  Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.