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“I Don’t Want My Younger Siblings to Know I’m Pregnant”

Sharing news of an unexpected pregnancy with family may be one of the hardest steps a person takes in her pregnancy journey.  Maybe you’re facing this decision right now:  Do I tell my family I’m pregnant or keep it to myself? It’s normal to have conflicting feelings about this choice.  Perhaps a part of you is longing for someone to know, even though you’re worried about how others may respond.  You may be leaning toward sharing this experience with some family members, and not others.

Telling younger siblings about an unexpected pregnancy can come with particular challenges.  Maybe you’re afraid this knowledge would impact the way your brothers or sisters perceive you.  Your siblings might be too young to understand what you’re going through, or the importance of keeping this private information to themselves.  Creating a plan to cope with an unexpected pregnancy looks different for everyone, and that’s okay.  Avenue Women’s Center exists to support and empower women of all ages as they figure this out.

Avenue is a limited medical clinic offering free early pregnancy services to persons experiencing an unexpected pregnancy in the Chicagoland area and beyond.  We’ve been serving individuals and families since 1981!  Our knowledgeable team at Avenue Women’s Center is committed to helping people access the information, resources, and support they need to lean into the pregnancy plan that’s best for them. 

Reach out to learn more today!  We’re passionate about creating a safe, comfortable space to explore your next steps without judgment.

Considering Your Support System

Having walked beside many people facing situations like yours, our team at Avenue believes there’s considerable value in sharing your story with someone.  Processing your next steps within a trusting relationship will create opportunities to receive encouragement and gain a fresh perspective.  A confident pregnancy decision benefits from a firm foundation of caring support, reliable information, and careful consideration.   It should factor in your values, beliefs, and dreams.  Receiving support from someone you can trust can make a huge impact!

Walking in Courage

Every set of circumstances is completely unique, and including your siblings on this pregnancy journey may or may not be the best choice for you.  However, maybe you’re worried about telling them because you’re scared of what they’ll think.  A word of caution: don’t let anxiety become a driving force behind the decisions you make throughout this pregnancy.   Use sources of strength, like a healthy support network and helpful resources, to walk in courage rather than fear.

Our team at Avenue would love to be an active part of your care network while helping you strengthen connections with other sources of encouragement, like family members, friends, and helping professionals.  It’s normal to feel isolated in the early days of an unexpected pregnancy.  But a supporter like a pregnancy consultant can help you explore your best plan one step at a time. 

Schedule a pregnancy consultation today!  We’re here to help meet your practical and emotional needs throughout this pregnancy and beyond.

The information provided here is general in nature.  It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center.  If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention.  Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.