Perhaps you’ve had a recent abortion experience, and maybe you’re still too afraid to tell your parents, so you confide in your friend instead. It’s normal for some women to feel anxious after an abortion, and while maybe you initially felt relieved after leaving the clinic, perhaps you’re starting to feel a little uncertain about your decision. In times of stress, it’s only natural to want to confide in someone as trustworthy as a best friend, but what if she doesn’t respond the way you thought she would? How do we respond when we’re disappointed in the reaction of someone close to us after confiding our feelings in them?
Do you feel like you need to talk about your abortion experience? Avenue Women’s Center understands each woman’s situation is unique, and our Restore After Abortion Program offers group or individual support to those struggling with negative feelings after an abortion. Our services are completely confidential, and they’re available at no cost to you. Contact us to schedule an appointment today!
Walking out of the clinic, it’s possible that you felt a sense a relief, as at the time, you felt confident in your decision not to continue the pregnancy. But maybe now you’re beginning to wonder if an abortion was the right option for you, and the emergence of doubt is causing you to feel a little anxious. You may find it hard to banish your negative thoughts, and you may find that attempting to move on and leave the abortion experience in the past is more exhausting than you thought. It’s only natural for you to want to reach out to a friend for help, but maybe her reaction is not what you were expecting.
While she takes the time to listen to you, maybe it feels like she still hasn’t heard you. Instead of acknowledging the complex emotions you feel towards your abortion, perhaps she urges you to move on and stop having doubts about a decision you’ve already made. Instead of offering your relief from your doubts, maybe your friend unintentionally encourages you to continue pushing them back. If you feel as if you are experiencing feelings of sadness after your abortion, then you may want to consider seeking help from a more experienced source.
While our friends can be well-meaning in their intentions, they are often limited in the help they can offer. It may be good to try and seek help elsewhere, and an abortion recovery group can be a great way for women to talk about their feelings with those who have had a shared experience.
While everyone responds to abortion differently, if you’re feeling anxious about an abortion decision, the Restore After Abortion program offers free, non-judgmental care to help you heal. We understand that you may need someone to listen and talk you through any negative emotions you may feel as a result of an abortion experience. Schedule a confidential appointment with us today!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.