When faced with a hard situation, some people may distance themselves from their emotions. You may be feeling numb about your abortion decision. You may have recently found yourself pregnant, and this news may have come at a difficult time. However, perhaps you’re not feeling overly emotional about your circumstances. While you may have been shocked to discover you’re pregnant, you might not have experienced a sudden outburst of feeling. There’s just this sense of numbness. Maybe you’ve decided that abortion seems like the right choice for you. And for various reasons, you’re now feeling devoid of emotions. Is it normal to feel numb about having an abortion? What are your best next steps?
If the thought of having an abortion has left you feeling numb, Avenue Women’s Center is here for you. We have worked with thousands of women over the years who are contemplating their unexpected pregnancy options. By scheduling a private consultation at one of our six locations in DuPage County, you’ll have the opportunity to meet with one of our caring staff. During your appointment, you can receive answers about abortion, the different types of procedures, as well as potential alternatives.
Call, chat, email, or text us for supportive resources at no cost!
Thinking About Abortion as an Unexpected Pregnancy Option
Once the results came in, confirming you’re pregnant, you might have wondered what to do next. An unexpected pregnancy can affect a woman in a multitude of ways. Some may feel panicked or scared, while others may feel strangely excited. You may have had these feelings at first. But after thinking that abortion may be the best choice for you, a sense of numbness might have taken over.
One of your first steps may be giving yourself time to process your thoughts. There may be circumstances that you’re currently facing that have made being pregnant seem difficult. How do you feel about your situation? If you’re numb, are there things you might want to talk about?
When facing an unexpected pregnancy, it’s normal to be conflicted about what to do. You hope to avoid indecision by remaining committed to a choice. It’s understandable if just want to be done with having to choose one of your options. But do you feel certain that you have all of the information you need to make a choice that benefits you?
Considerations in an Abortion Decision
If you’re thinking about abortion, then there are a few questions you may want to consider:
- Why am I feeling numb about choosing abortion?
- Who can I reach out to during this time? Should I talk with a healthcare provider, a counselor, or a pregnancy consultant about my options?
- What questions do I still have about abortion? Do I need to learn more about abortion laws and costs?
- Are there steps I should take before having an abortion? Do I need to schedule an ultrasound exam to assess my health and determine the pregnancy’s gestational age?
It’s normal to feel numb when it comes to an unexpected pregnancy. This is a challenging period where you may want to carefully consider your needs. A wide variety of resources are available to you, and they can help you explore your inner feelings as you move forward.
Schedule an Appointment
Are you experiencing numbness as you consider having an abortion? Avenue Women’s Center can provide reliable information to make an informed choice. During a private session, you’ll meet with an expert pregnancy consultant to address your unique situation. Receive a free, limited ultrasound exam, to learn more about your health, which can impact your choice. We understand the difficulties of navigating complex emotions during a pregnancy journey. Receive the information and support you need today in a nonjudgmental environment.
Reach out to begin working with our expert staff!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.