Have you been leaning toward getting an abortion or started taking steps in this direction? Chances are, you’re facing some really difficult circumstances right now. Making an unexpected pregnancy decision may come alongside some practical challenges or insecurity about your future. The decision to end your pregnancy may have been a hard one to process. So, if you’re feeling unprepared or starting to change your mind, you may be dealing with a lot of confusion and frustration. You may be tempted to push your instincts aside and move forward with your plans.
If you’re not sure that you’re ready for an abortion, it’s important to pay attention to your gut and take those feelings seriously. It isn’t too late to step back and re-evaluate. In most cases, a pregnancy decision doesn’t need to be made urgently. And a choice for abortion is significant (as is a choice for adoption or parenting). So, it’s well worth taking every preparation necessary to feel confident in your next steps. Your hesitation may be an opportunity to get more information (about your pregnancy, options, and resources), and strengthen your support system. These things may play a key role in helping you discover the clarity and confidence that you’re looking for.
You don’t have to navigate this unexpected pregnancy on your own. There are resources available to support and encourage you on your journey, and Avenue Women’s Center is one of them! We’re a first-step pregnancy center offering free, confidential early pregnancy services to persons facing circumstances like yours in the Chicagoland area and beyond. It’s our goal to equip you for an informed pregnancy choice by offering all the information and support you need to figure this out one step at a time.
Reach out and schedule an appointment today! Our six limited medical clinics are located in Darien, Elmhurst, Glen Ellyn / Lombard, Naperville, West Chicago, and Wood Dale, Illinois.
Preparing Yourself Physically for a Confident Decision
A decision for abortion, adoption, or parenting could have important implications on your physical health. That’s why it’s important to take certain steps and gather certain information before making this choice. First and foremost, get a reliable pregnancy test to verify that you’re pregnant. Once this has been confirmed, an ultrasound may provide valuable information to guide your next steps. It can give information on 1) how far along you are (which could affect your abortion options), 2) your chances of miscarrying, and 3) where your pregnancy is located (an ectopic pregnancy- located outside the uterus- would require immediate medical attention beyond an abortion). It’s also important to receive services from a qualified medical professional. Everyone’s body is unique. Certain abortion methods may be unsafe, depending on factors like your medical history, medication regimen, and access to emergency care should that become necessary. Avenue Women’s Center offers free medical-grade pregnancy tests and limited medical ultrasounds to provide the information needed to help in making a confident decision.
Preparing Yourself Emotionally for a Confident Decision
Preparing yourself emotionally for your pregnancy decision will likely involve considering a wide array of information and asking yourself some deeper questions. Learn about your pregnancy options and resources early on, if possible. This information may help you prepare physically and emotionally for your next best steps and create opportunities to process your feelings more fully. It’s definitely important to explore how you feel about this pregnancy, your options, and all the unique circumstances surrounding this unexpected pregnancy.
Ask yourself questions like these:
- What are my values, beliefs, and goals for the future? How could these affect my pregnancy decision? Is the choice I’m considering one I think I could look back on with peace, acceptance, or even pride?
- Which pregnancy option do I feel best about in my gut, even if it scares me? What would it look like to move toward that option or explore it further?
- Do I have caring, trustworthy people in my life who could encourage me or provide practical support? How can I connect with people like that and strengthen my support network? How would this equip me to find and follow my own best path?
It’s normal to have really complex emotions about an unexpected pregnancy, or even feelings of numbness. Feeling numb doesn’t necessarily indicate a lack of emotion. It may mean that your mind has so much to process, it’s struggling to register your feelings. Preparing physically and mentally for your best pregnancy decision will take time. Thankfully, that’s something most people have before they become ineligible for some of their pregnancy options.
Even if you’ve taken all these steps to prepare for an abortion, it’s important to pause and create space for further consideration if you’re feeling apprehensive or unready. Processing your thoughts and feelings may be an essential next step, even if you’ve had opportunities to do this before. Seriously consider going to a family member, close friend, mentor, counselor, or faith leader for extra support. Our pregnancy consultants at Avenue Women’s Center are also available to be a listening ear and sounding board. We’re here to provide reliable information to help clarify your best route forward.
Contact us today! Our compassionate team members are here for you.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.