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“I Thought My Family Would Support Me Through this Pregnancy.  I Was Wrong.”

Navigating an unexpected pregnancy alongside family members can be challenging, even when they’re eager to offer practical and emotional support.  But what if you’ve shared your pregnancy news, and it feels like you’re on different teams?  What if your family isn’t there for you when you thought they would be?  Maybe your loved ones led you to believe they’d support you through this pregnancy, and they haven’t lived up to that promise.  Perhaps they’ve responded differently than expected after learning of your pregnancy for the first time.  A negative reaction from family may feel shocking and painful either way, like climbing a staircase in the dark and misjudging the number of steps.  It’s natural to stumble a little when you’re expecting a foothold and find yourself leaning on thin air instead.  Know that you’re not alone.  As challenging as your circumstances may be, help and hope are available.

Avenue Women’s Center exists so nobody has to face an unexpected pregnancy without practical help and encouragement.  We’re a limited medical clinic with six locations, offering free first-step pregnancy services to persons in Chicagoland, Illinois and beyond.  Whether you have a thriving support system or no support network at all, our caring staff has your back.  We’re passionate about helping individuals take informed steps from a position of strength.

Reach out to learn more!

When Your Family’s Response Feels Disheartening

There are a lot of different ways a person experiencing a pregnancy may be supported by family, which means there are a lot of different ways family members may fall short of one’s expectations.  Perhaps you thought your relatives would offer practical assistance in the form of shelter, material goods, or transportation to medical appointments.  Maybe you believed they’d back you emotionally or support the pregnancy decision you’re leaning toward.  An unsupportive response from loved ones (especially an unpredictable one) may feel hurtful and discouraging- regardless of unique circumstances or which pregnancy option(s) you’re considering.

How Can an Early Pregnancy Center Like Avenue Help?

Our caring pregnancy consultants and medical team at Avenue Women’s Center understand how stressful this situation can be.  We’re here to help you strengthen meaningful relationships and navigate this pregnancy alongside those closest to you, while ensuring that your practical and emotional needs are being met.  Many people find it helpful to process their circumstances with a neutral advocate and explore healthy ways to engage with family.  We can fill that role.  If you and your family need help from someone like a professional counselor or faith leader, we can help you connect with other valuable sources of support too.

Meeting Your Needs, No Matter How This Pregnancy Impacts Your Relationships

If you feel like your family is letting you down, chances are, your loved ones have complex emotions of their own about your pregnancy that they need to sort through.  Time, mutual grace, and good communication techniques may help heal these wounds.  However, every situation is completely unique.  Many of the women we serve at Avenue worry that their families won’t be providing the support they need now any time soon.  We’ve got your back.  As important as family relationships may be, a supportive community outside of your biological family may play a key role in empowering you to embrace your best outcome.  Our compassionate team at Avenue Women’s Center would love to be an ongoing part of your support network while helping you connect with resources like support groups and practical services.

With over 40 years of service, Avenue Women’s Center has walked beside countless individuals facing complex challenges related to an unexpected pregnancy.  We offer a safe space to receive the compassionate, confidential care you need.  Avenue is a judgment-free zone, no matter how those around you have responded to your pregnancy.  In addition to extending emotional support and assistance with resources, we provide free first-step pregnancy services like medical-grade pregnancy tests and limited medical ultrasounds!

Check us out!  We’re located in Darien, Elmhurst, Glen Ellyn / Lombard, Naperville, West Chicago, and Wood Dale, Illinois.  We offer virtual consultations too!

The information provided here is general in nature.  It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center.  If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention.  Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.