It’s the beginning of a new year! Living in the Midwest, there aren’t a lot of things that I particularly enjoy about January, but I love the idea of getting a fresh start. A new year can feel like a clean slate, a logical time to reevaluate priorities and pursue unmet goals. My New Year’s resolutions typically focus on improving my lifestyle in areas like physical wellness, work performance, and the health of my relationships. Perhaps you have goals related to these important values. But maybe you’re also facing an unexpected pregnancy at the start of this new year. If so, you’re sure to be dealing with some unique challenges as you identify your ambitions for 2025 and start to pursue them.
Cultivating a healthier lifestyle is easier said than done. Cultivating a healthier lifestyle in the middle of an unexpected pregnancy probably seems impossible to you right now. The surprising truth is, it’s not. You have what it takes to cope well with your circumstances and navigate this road with clarity and peace of mind. Avenue Women’s Center can help you take your pregnancy journey one small step and informed decision at a time.
Discover Avenue Women’s Center and contact us today! We’re a limited medical clinic that provides free first-step pregnancy services, including pregnancy tests, options consultations, and ultrasounds. We’re here to help you identify and lean into your own best outcome.
Nobody Has It All Together
As you navigate this unexpected pregnancy and other challenges in life, it’s important to recognize that you’re not alone. Nobody has it all together, however “put-together” their lives may look. Show yourself some love and grace as you cope with your unexpected pregnancy. It’s possible to acknowledge your missteps and challenge yourself to do the next right thing without getting ensnared by self-shame. To some extent, you’ll need to start by accepting your circumstances for what they are. This process will require time, patience, and self-reflection.
Motivational Tips
Wanting a healthier lifestyle but struggling with motivation is part of being human. We all encounter setbacks and moments of discouragement or frustration as we strive to meet our goals. However, this doesn’t mean that we can’t cope effectively with challenges and discover positive outcomes that we didn’t think possible. Here are some motivational tips from Psychology Today to help you persevere in your pregnancy journey and goal-setting process!
“Make goal-pursuit more social.”
The instinct to bond with other people is a strong driver of motivation and commitment. If you want to get in shape but have trouble motivating yourself to exercise, consider asking a friend to engage in your fitness routine alongside you. In a similar way, getting the right social support will equip you to process your unexpected pregnancy and determine your next best steps.
“Find something you’re good at.”
Understanding often leads to engagement. Build lifestyle habits that play to your strengths. Sometimes, you’ll need to face challenges that feel way out of your comfort zone (often true of an unexpected pregnancy). Respond to that uncertainty by learning about your unique pregnancy and available options. That way, you’ll feel better informed, less frustrated, and more driven.
“Tap into your drive to acquire or defend.”
It’s human nature to pursue things that increase our well-being and defend things that we hold dear. This can get complicated within the context of an unexpected pregnancy, because we all have unique values, and sometimes those values can conflict with each other. That’s why it’s important to carefully process your feelings, values, and desires before making a pregnancy decision.
“Build habits.”
Self-motivation becomes way easier when we dedicate time and energy to forming habits. If you’re having trouble with this, Psychology Today recommends building your new habit one small step at a time (for example, jogging just a few meters to start, then adding a few more each day). Within the context of an unexpected pregnancy, a useful habit may be journaling for five minutes each day about your present emotions concerning the pregnancy.
“Set implementation intentions.”
An implementation intention is an alternative strategy or “Plan B” that can be put into effect if “Plan A” doesn’t work out. Let’s say you’ve committed to finishing a work or school project today, but your dog gets sick and you end up needing to take him to the vet. An alternative strategy may involve getting up an hour or two earlier the next morning to finish your project. This could also apply if, instead of working on a project, you were planning to read materials about your pregnancy options or meet with a friend who’s supporting you in your pregnancy journey.
January is a natural time to reset lifestyle goals, because starting a new year can give us the hopeful sense of a fresh start. (Plus, some of us tend to feel guilty about eating habits developed over the holidays). If you’re coping with an unexpected pregnancy today, now would be an excellent time to evaluate where things stand from a medical perspective and what your options are. Avenue Women’s Center would love to partner with you in this process. We believe that any stressful situation can lead to surprising opportunities, and we’re here for you as you pursue a positive outcome to your story.
You deserve information and support you can count on. Contact Avenue to ask us your questions and schedule an appointment! Our services are free, confidential, and provided with care and compassion by our expert team.
Psychology Today. (2023, December). 5 Science-Based Tips to Boost Self-Motivation. Retrieved from: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/click-here-for-happiness/202212/5-science-based-tips-to-boost-self-motivation
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.