Has an unexpected pregnancy hit your life like a bombshell? A positive pregnancy test result can be shocking if it unexpectedly throws you into such a life-changing circumstance. If you feel like your world is being rocked, you’re not alone. Maybe you are a student, working full-time, or just beginning a new relationship. While juggling all of your responsibilities, it may be difficult to find the time to think through the potential outcomes of whichever decision you make. Maybe you don’t feel ready to make a difficult decision. This can feel overwhelming, frustrating, and extremely stressful!
If you find your world rocked by news of an unexpected pregnancy, Avenue Women’s Center offers a nonjudgmental space and caring environment to help you process through your difficult decision. We provide confidential care and limited medical resources at each of our six DuPage County centers. Our expert pregnancy consultants will meet with you to discuss your concerns and give you space to breathe. We’ll answer any of your questions during a private consultation appointment.
Contact us today to schedule your free session with one of our compassionate pregnancy experts!
How to Process Through Your Difficult Decision
With news of your unexpected pregnancy, you may try to cope with this new stress in a variety of ways such as avoiding the truth, wishing you weren’t pregnant or rushing your decision.
However, while it may seem counter-intuitive, if you feel stressed or rushed in your pregnancy decision, the best thing you can do right now is slow down so you can begin considering your options and figure out what is truly best for you.
Give Yourself Space
One of the first steps in decision-making is to give yourself time to process. Maybe for you, this could mean going for a walk, having time alone, or doing something you enjoy. It could be helpful to journal your thoughts or make a pro and con list. Processing looks different for everyone, but it’s always a good idea to set aside time to sort through your thoughts and emotions.
Talk with Someone
While it’s important to have time alone, many women find it helpful to bounce ideas off of another person. Ask yourself:
- Who is affected by this pregnancy decision?
- Who do I trust I can confide in?
It can be helpful to have someone close to you help you process what you’re feeling. Or maybe you want to process this decision with somebody who is unbiased. Pregnancy clinics like Avenue Women’s Center can provide a safe space to share all of your concerns, address your individual questions, and be a sounding board for you as you think through everything that’s going on in your life.
Think About the Impact of Your Decision
When you’re thinking through a pregnancy decision, it’s always a good idea to consider possible long-term effects for any choice. Finding yourself thrown unexpectedly into pregnancy can make it difficult to look past the looming present and the pressures you find yourself facing.
It is often helpful to ask yourself some questions to reflect on this, such as:
- How will I feel in ten years about choosing abortion, adoption, or parenting?
- What do I value most, and how can I make a decision based on those values?
- Which parts of my current circumstances are only temporary and which are permanent?
Taking the time to process through this difficult decision is important to help you feel informed and empowered to make the decision you feel is best.
When making a pregnancy decision there is a lot to consider. No matter what, remember that you are not alone. Many women have experienced things similar to what you are going through. Avenue Women’s Center is here to support you and partner with you through this difficult decision. Our expert and caring pregnancy consultants are here to walk you through this process step by step and provide information regarding your pregnancy options while maintaining your personal health and privacy. By offering free limited medical services such as medical-grade pregnancy tests as well as confidential consultations, we can equip you with everything you need to figure out your next steps.
Schedule your free appointment with us today for help with navigating through your unexpected pregnancy!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.