Pregnancy can bring up a lot of difficult circumstances, emotions, and conversations. Perhaps, even more, when you’re unexpectedly pregnant. To add another layer, maybe your living circumstances or home situation are a bit tricky to navigate. Now, you find yourself facing an unexpected pregnancy, and you’re worried about what your parents will say.
Figuring out how to go forward with a pregnancy decision and communicating with those close to you can be nerve-wracking. Luckily, you don’t have to go through or figure it out all alone. With over 40 years of compassionate care for women in similar circumstances, Avenue Women’s Center is here for you.
Call, chat, email, or text us today to find out more about our free services!
First Steps With a New Pregnancy
Maybe as soon as you found out you were pregnant, your first reaction was to worry about what your parents will say, think, or do. Instead of reacting initially based on worry, it’s important to figure out some practical steps to take with this news.
A great, easy first step is to confirm your pregnancy with a medical-grade pregnancy test. You can do this with a doctor, OBGYN, or for free at a center like Avenue. After this initial step, you’ll be better equipped to know what comes next, such as thinking through your pregnancy options and what resources are available to you.
When something like an unexpected pregnancy is so emotionally charged, it can be difficult to find time to process your news and move forward with a well-rounded decision. If fear and worry are primary emotions in your current experience, it can be helpful to talk your situation through with a professional third party. This person can listen to your concerns as well as help you brainstorm what’s next.
Communicating Your Pregnancy
After you’ve taken some time to gather information, resources, and additional help, you may want to consider how to talk with your parents. If this is overwhelming, it can be helpful to have a trusted, reliable friend with you. You can even consider using Avenue Women’s Center as a mediator in a conversation. Make sure to choose a time where they can listen and not be distracted. It’s also important to communicate clearly and calmly! Generally, parents try their best to love and support their children, but sometimes there can be difficult circumstances in these relationships. If you’re in an unhealthy situation or need ongoing support, please know there are resources and organizations that want to empower you to live a safe and healthy life.
Getting equipped with the knowledge and resources to move forward is essential. Sometimes this road can feel lonely, and that’s why we, at Avenue Women’s Center care about helping and supporting you. All of our services are confidential and free to make your path easier.
Schedule an appointment with us at a center near you today.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.