I’m single and a recent college graduate who’s living on my own. I just started my dream job. I have been feeling so fulfilled, independent, and proud of all I’ve accomplished. Since I recently moved to a new city, I have few friends—no one I would call a close friend. My parents live in another state, and we’re not that close anyway. Everything has been moving along so well … until now. I just found out that I’m pregnant. I feel like I have no one to talk to about this unexpected news.
An unexpected pregnancy can feel isolating. Avenue Women’s Center is here to help. We have been assisting women facing unexpected pregnancy in the Chicagoland area for almost 40 years. Our expert client advocates provide information and support just when you need it most. Contact us today for a free private consultation at one of our five DuPage County locations.
As the pregnancy news sinks in, so does shock. I can’t believe this is happening. The father of the baby is only a friend, and not someone I want a future with. We are on different paths. I’m beginning to feel overwhelmed and ashamed about being pregnant, and I realize I have no one to confide in. There is no one to talk to about how I’m feeling or the pregnancy options I’m considering. Thoughts about what to do next are spinning around in my head. How can I face a pregnancy on my own? Should I continue the pregnancy or have an abortion?
I remember hearing that a pregnancy can ruin a women’s career. So, if I want to fulfill my goals, I’m going to have to end this pregnancy. An abortion feels like my only choice. Right … ? Or is there a way to continue the pregnancy and my career path, too? How do I know what the best pregnancy option is for me?
In the midst of all the confusion and thoughts of ending this pregnancy, sometimes I hear a small voice saying, “Talk this over before you go ahead with an abortion.” It seems like wise advice, but I don’t have anyone to talk to. I feel stuck, embarrassed, and alone. I want all these feelings to go away and get back to the path I was on before I knew I was pregnant. I feel like I only have one option. I’ll just hurry up and get this over with. I’ll get an abortion and continue on with my life. I won’t have to tell anyone about the abortion. It will have to be my secret forever. But the small voice is saying something else to me, asking a tough question and I’m not sure of the answer. Could I handle an abortion without support? Would I be able to move forward without it affecting my life or my future emotions?
Facing a pregnancy decision is difficult, especially if you feel alone. Similar to this woman’s situation, an unexpected pregnancy often brings confusion, stress, and even pain. Struggling to determine the best option is hard enough, and even more trying when navigating the decision by yourself. Do you continue the pregnancy? Do you choose to have an abortion? The good news is, there are resources out there to help you understand your pregnancy options.
Pregnancy centers like Avenue Women’s Center specialize in information and support for those who are facing an unexpected pregnancy. Get the facts you need to make an informed decision in a caring, nonjudgmental environment at each Avenue location. One of the reasons Avenue Women’s Center exists is to ensure that all women have a safe, understanding place to talk over their pregnancy concerns. We feel that you deserve caring support and a place to receive helpful information regarding all your pregnancy options—abortion, adoption, and parenting. Call, chat, email, or text for a free consultation today. You are not alone, and you don’t have to face this pregnancy decision on your own.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.