When you’re nervous, it can be hard to move yourself forward in anything. Nerves take shape in everyone differently. There’s racing heartbeats, wobbly knees, shaky hands, sweaty palms, quivering voices, difficulty swallowing, and even waves of nausea. You might be feeling all of this and more if you think you might be pregnant. You’re so nervous to take a pregnancy test! What if it’s positive? What option would be best for you? Where can you find help and support?
Taking a pregnancy test can be a nerve-racking experience on your own. Find supportive help at Avenue Women’s Center, with five centers located throughout the DuPage County area. Our expert consultants will walk you through a free medical-grade pregnancy test accurate just 10 days after possible conception. Get results you can trust in a caring, nonjudgmental, and confidential environment! Call, text, chat, or email us today for your free appointment!
Overcoming Nerves to Take a Pregnancy Test
Maybe you’re nervous about taking a pregnancy test because you fear the answer. You could be afraid of how you’ll take the news, or how others will react such as your partner, family, or friends. You may also be scared of deciding between your pregnancy options of parenting, adoption, or abortion. Confronting your fears is rarely ever an easy feat, and your nerves can make it especially difficult. Nervousness can bring stress, anxiety, panic, and sleeplessness right along with it. All things that can make a potential pregnancy decision seem even more impossible to face. How do you find encouragement to overcome your nerves and take a pregnancy test?
- Remind yourself of your strengths. Being nervous often involves self-doubt. Your thoughts might be swirling with all sorts of uncertainty and insecurity as you think about a possible pregnancy. You might not feel like you are ready to be pregnant out of personal reasons, your own abilities, or your life circumstances. We all have flaws. While it’s good to be aware of them, it’s also important not to measure your worth by them. What are your strengths, and how might they be helpful in this situation? Remind yourself of your positive attributes, and that you’re capable of handling difficult situations—even when you feel nervous about them.
- Develop a plan. Sometimes our nerves come from imagining everything all at once, overwhelming us with too much too soon. This can be true for many women who think they might be pregnant. You may start to envision all the possible options and their outcomes before you even take a pregnancy test. These thoughts alone can cause you to procrastinate or avoid taking the test, as nervousness blocks your ability to move forward. Start instead by developing a plan for your first steps. When should you take a pregnancy test? Where? And how? Look into the different pregnancy test options and consider what might be best for you. If you decide to take a home test, read over and follow the instructions thoroughly. However, taking a medical-grade test can offer more accurate results. What insurance coverage or costs are involved with a pregnancy test at a medical facility or with your doctor? Is there a pregnancy decision center nearby that offers free tests? Is there a trusted person in your life who might offer you support as you take a pregnancy test, such as a loved one, friend, or your partner?
Ease your nerves about a possible pregnancy with a free medical-grade pregnancy test at Avenue Women’s Center. Our expert pregnancy consultants will walk you through each step of the process in a secure and private atmosphere. Your free appointment also includes an options consultation to gain unbiased, nonjudgmental, and accurate information about each option of parenting, adoption, and abortion. We’ll listen and address your personal questions and concerns with compassion and understanding of your unique situation. Contact us today for an appointment at one of our five locations!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.