Having to choose between one thing or the other has never been easy. Which pair of shoes? Which breakfast? Which coffee drink? Sometimes the decisions are seemingly frivolous and don’t make much of a difference in the grand scheme of life. However, sometimes the choices before us are weighty and will bring about a lot of change. What do you do when you find yourself unexpectedly pregnant and torn between parenting or accomplishing your dreams?
Nobody likes feeling torn between one thing and another. Finding yourself unexpectedly pregnant might make you wonder if it’s possible to choose to parent and still chase your dreams! Dealing with this inner conflict alone can be distressing, but Avenue Women’s Center is here for you. Our pregnancy consultants can sit with you as you determine how to move forward with your plans. Let us offer you a helping hand.
Schedule a time to talk with us today!
Looking Back to Look to the Future
When we’re faced with difficult decisions it can be helpful to look into the past. Taking some time to review can be especially beneficial if you’re feeling pressured or stressed about your current situation. Think about what goals and dreams you’ve had at different points in your life and how you’ve been able to accomplish them. While you were focused on these things did uncertainties and unexpected circumstances arise? And yet you powered through and still accomplished what you set out to. Perhaps drawing from your willpower and strength through past adversity can inspire you to think about your pregnancy in a new light.
There Are Many Successful Mothers
It can be inspiring to look beyond our own strength and life to the lives and accomplishments of others. In both the private and the public eye countless women have chosen to parent and still do amazing things. Many women are both mothers as well as business owners, actresses, students, professors, lawyers, doctors, writers, technicians—the list could go on. Who in your life do you know is a mother and is successful in other areas of life? Perhaps having a chat with this person could be help offer perspective or good ideas to manage several responsibilities.
Problem-Solving With the Pros
As you make your pregnancy decision you may find it helpful to process your options and brainstorm some resources and support for your situation. Talking with your doctor, a licensed counselor, faith leader, or pregnancy consultant is a great step in the right direction and can help you feel more at ease.
Becoming a parent and accomplishing your dreams is possible. And, if it’s daunting, Avenue Women’s Center is here to help. We’d love to chat with you and offer practical support and a listening ear. We care about your privacy and health, so all of our services are free and confidential.
Make an appointment with us at any of our six DuPage County locations today!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.