Sometimes, circumstances arise that we might not have anticipated. When life tosses us a surprise curveball, it can be difficult to determine how to step up to the pitch. An unexpected pregnancy can cause us to face decisions we may not have had to process before. It can make us think carefully about how to take steps towards outlining a plan. While you may have heard pregnant women typically have three options, you may still have questions about them. We live in a society where we constantly have access to information. But how do we know what’s accurate and what’s unreliable? If you’re finding yourself thinking about abortion, adoption, or parenting for the first time, where do you turn for truthful information?
If you’re surprised by your recent pregnancy news, you may be wondering where to go for help. With six locations in DuPage County, Avenue Women’s Center provides women with access to accurate information and support. We offer free, medical-grade pregnancy tests and private consultations. Our expert consultants are trained to counsel you through each of your decisions and answer any of your questions.
Contact us today to speak with us about your options!
Shocked By an Unexpected Pregnancy
When a woman finds herself surprised by a positive pregnancy test, she may feel discouraged or pressured to make a decision. This situation is new. Perhaps it’s not something you had planned for. And this can understandably lead to anxieties about what to do next. Some of your nervousness may come from feeling unprepared to receive such news. So, it can be good to start making a plan. Try not to pressure yourself to do this all at once. Rather, see if there are small steps you can take to bring the situation to a manageable level.
While your end goal may be to act upon a pregnancy decision, it can be important not to lose sight of present goals. These are things you can accomplish now that can potentially lead you to the end of your journey. It may be helpful to write down what you feel you need to do in order to provide insight into what making a pregnancy decision may look like for you.
Next Steps with Abortion, Adoption, or Parenting
Each woman’s situation is unique, as some women may think about abortion, while others lean towards parenting or adoption. No matter which decision you’re thinking of, or even if you’re still undecided, try to visualize each potential step behind each path.
Some of the present goals on your list may include:
- Have I confirmed the pregnancy with a doctor or a medical-grade test at a first-step options clinic?
- Is there anyone I can talk to that I can trust? Will they provide me with detailed and accurate information about the pregnancy and my potential options?
- Regardless of the pregnancy option, I’m considering, where can I schedule an ultrasound to figure out how far along I am? How can I know if I’m at risk of developing any early pregnancy complications?
Unfortunately, it’s not necessarily the case that one choice is easier than the other. All three of your pregnancy options come with their own unique set of pros and cons. It can be helpful not to base your decision on someone else’s positive experience, but to reflect on how you feel something like abortion, adoption, or parenting may personally benefit you. This may seem like a lot to absorb, especially if you’re feeling anxious, but coming up with a plan, can assist with you in making the best decision for yourself.
Thinking about abortion, adoption, or parenting for the first time? Avenue Women’s Center understands each woman’s situation is unique and has been providing free services since 1981. Through a confidential and supportive environment, our caring staff will discuss each of your options with you, walking you through the steps needed to begin putting a plan into action. We understand this may be an emotional time for you, and that’s why we’re here to listen and offer encouragement.
Schedule your free appointment today to start talking with us about your pregnancy!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.