October is here and so is National Work Life Week! If your schedule is anything like mine, it probably feels like you’re constantly juggling work with other responsibilities (related to family, relationships, school, etc.). But what if you’re coping with an unexpected pregnancy on top of all this? You’re sure to feel overwhelmed if that’s your story this fall. Know that you’re not alone! You have supportive resources available to you, plus the ability to make your own best decisions regarding this pregnancy and everything else.
Our expert staff at Avenue Women’s Center is available to partner with you in your unique process of finding your best path forward. We’re a first-step pregnancy clinic that provides confidential limited medical services at no cost! For over 40 years, we’ve been equipping individuals facing circumstances like yours with the tools they need to persevere.
Learn more about Avenue Women’s Center! We’re located in Darien, Elmhurst, Glen Ellyn / Lombard, West Chicago, and Wood Dale, Illinois.
Reframing “Work-Life Balance”
The phrase, “work-life balance” has received some criticism in recent years. We all have limited resources available to us. So, some would say that trying to balance work life and home life triggers shame, because prioritizing one means overlooking the other to some extent. In an article from Psychology Today, psychotherapist Luella Jonk reframes the concept of work-life balance by replacing the word “balance” with “harmony,” and using the illustration of a pendulum swinging back and forth between different priorities. She states, “Sometimes work needs more of you and sometimes family needs more of you. You swing with the need. You cannot be stubborn and ignore the other” (Psychology Today).
Creating Space for Ambiguity and Acceptance
Achieving balance between your work life and personal life isn’t an exact science. There can be overlap between the two, and both are bound to reflect different values and beliefs that hold equal importance. That’s okay! Your best approach is to identify the unique resources that are available to you (including your time, energy, talents, assets, etc.). It’s normal for these resources to be limited, and it’s important to accept the reality of those limitations. You can temporarily shift your resources as needed to create as much harmony in your life as possible.
Knowing Your Pregnancy Options
Any person who’s facing an unexpected pregnancy has 3 options available to her: abortion, adoption, and parenting. Each comes with its own set of potential risks, benefits, medical processes, and other outcomes. Exploring these different factors is key to making a well-informed pregnancy choice. However, many people carry out their decisions without first researching their options because they’re overwhelmed by their pregnancy news and everything else that they’re managing. Maybe you feel like you don’t have the time or resources that you need to explore your available paths with care.
Finding Clarity at Avenue Women’s Center
It’s okay to “swing your pendulum,” or redirect your resources to the most significant and pressing matters at hand. Nobody can tell you exactly what this will look like within the context of your pregnancy situation because the process is unique for every individual. Our caring staff at Avenue can help you make the best use of your resources by providing accurate information and genuine support. We’re here to be a neutral sounding board as you explore your own values, beliefs, and emotions (which will help illuminate your best way forward). We also make understanding your pregnancy options easy and efficient by breaking down the steps involved.
It’s really difficult to juggle work and other responsibilities while addressing an unexpected pregnancy. However, you have what it takes to adjust your priorities, get the rest you deserve, and discover your own best outcome… even if you’re feeling overwhelmed right now. Our compassionate team at Avenue Women’s Center is available to partner with you on that journey. When you reach out to us, we promise you’ll be met with warmth, respect, professional integrity, and unconditional emotional support.
Learn more about our free first-step pregnancy services! We offer medical-grade pregnancy tests, options consultations, limited medical ultrasounds, and more!
Psychology Today. (2024, April). Work-Life Balance Means Work-Life Harmony. Retrieved from: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/accept-pain-for-change/202404/work-life-balance-means-work-life-harmony
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.