Today we are sharing a piece that was written for our blog readers by a guest writer. We hope you find it encouraging!
In my life, I have always been the “do-er.” I can do this! I can lift this thing, or figure out that program, or arrange those details. I see a need and will fix it! I don’t need help, or, even that much advice. I can do it! I don’t want to need someone else.
If you are in position to need help with an unplanned pregnancy, please call or text us today. Perhaps you need an accurate pregnancy test… abortion information… support for making your best decision…. The caring staff of Avenue Women’s Center is here for you. With free “first-step” services, and locations in Elmhurst, Glen Ellyn / Lombard, Naperville, and Wood Dale (with a new location soon to open in West Chicago) – we will provide services you need, with the respectful and kind care you deserve.
Simon and Garfunkel used to sing a song: “I am a rock. I am an island.” While that was not my life’s philosophy, there were times when I really acted like it was!
I was talking with friends the other day about how easy it has always been to do just things myself, and how hard it is to delegate responsibility to someone else and teach that person how to do the task. Why is that? Explaining to someone else how I want something done seems hard to me. I want it done MY way, and the other person may have her own idea of what is good. They may be slower to learn than what I have patience for. I’ve always been the one who’s moving too quickly for that.
This year my life changed. I began experiencing intense back pain, to the point where walking is near impossible at times. I’ve had to learn new ways of doing my current job while sitting down. I need help lifting heavy things and completing small errands. I’ve also had to learn how to ask for help. Believe me, saying to someone, “I need help” has felt humbling.
And that’s one of the biggest things I’ve been learning – asking for help is hard and humbling. Maybe it’s hard because it IS humbling! Or, maybe I just don’t like needing help. But the truth is – all people all needy. We all need input from other people in our lives. We need to learn gracious giving and humble receiving. We were not created to be rocks or islands! ‘Bout time I learned that!
I wrote this because I wondered how many clients at Avenue Women’s Center are struggling with experiences similar to mine… being faced with a big problem, needing to slow down, requiring information about their options, benefitting from help. I hope that my experience will provide another woman with some of the strength she needs to reach out today.
So – what will you find if you reach out to Avenue Women’s Center? An entire staff that is unusually caring and client-focused. We hire staff members for their expertise, but also for their ability to focus on each individual client, understanding her unique needs, and exercising great care in providing help with her concerns. If you are in Chicagoland, facing an unplanned pregnancy situation, we hope you will feel comfortable seeking our assistance. We are here for you.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.